
model InitializeFlange "Initializes a flange with pre-defined position, speed and acceleration (usually, this is reference data from a control bus)"
    extends Modelica.Blocks.Icons.Block;

    parameter Boolean use_s_start = true "= true, if initial position is defined by input s_start, otherwise not initialized";
    parameter Boolean use_v_start = true "= true, if initial speed is defined by input v_start, otherwise not initialized";
    parameter Boolean use_a_start = true "= true, if initial acceleration is defined by input a_start, otherwise not initialized";
    parameter StateSelect stateSelect = StateSelect.default "Priority to use flange angle and speed as states";
    Modelica.Blocks.Interfaces.RealInput s_start(unit = "m") if use_s_start "Initial position of flange"
        annotation (Placement(transformation(extent = {
            {-140, 40}, 
            {-100, 80}})));
    Modelica.Blocks.Interfaces.RealInput v_start(unit = "m/s") if use_v_start "Initial speed of flange"
        annotation (Placement(transformation(extent = {
            {-140, -20}, 
            {-100, 20}})));
    Modelica.Blocks.Interfaces.RealInput a_start(unit = "m/s2") if use_a_start "Initial angular acceleration of flange"
        annotation (Placement(transformation(extent = {
            {-140, -80}, 
            {-100, -40}})));
    Interfaces.Flange_b flange "Flange that is initialized"
        annotation (Placement(transformation(extent = {
            {90, -10}, 
            {110, 10}})));
    Modelica.SIunits.Position s_flange(stateSelect = stateSelect) = flange.s "Flange position";
    Modelica.SIunits.Velocity v_flange(stateSelect = stateSelect) = der(s_flange) "= der(s_flange)";
    encapsulated model Set_s_start "Set s_start"
        import Modelica;

        extends Modelica.Blocks.Icons.Block;

        Modelica.Blocks.Interfaces.RealInput s_start(unit = "m") "Start position"
            annotation (
                HideResult = true,
                Placement(transformation(extent = {
                    {-140, -20}, 
                    {-100, 20}})));
        Modelica.Mechanics.Translational.Interfaces.Flange_b flange annotation (Placement(transformation(extent = {
            {90, -10}, 
            {110, 10}})));
    initial equation
        flange.s = s_start;
        flange.f = 0;
    end Set_s_start;

    encapsulated model Set_v_start "Set v_start"
        import Modelica;

        extends Modelica.Blocks.Icons.Block;

        Modelica.Blocks.Interfaces.RealInput v_start(unit = "m/s") "Start velocity"
            annotation (
                HideResult = true,
                Placement(transformation(extent = {
                    {-140, -20}, 
                    {-100, 20}})));
        Modelica.Mechanics.Translational.Interfaces.Flange_b flange annotation (Placement(transformation(extent = {
            {90, -10}, 
            {110, 10}})));
    initial equation
        der(flange.s) = v_start;
        flange.f = 0;
    end Set_v_start;

    encapsulated model Set_a_start "Set a_start"
        import Modelica;

        extends Modelica.Blocks.Icons.Block;

        Modelica.Blocks.Interfaces.RealInput a_start(unit = "m/s2") "Start acceleration"
            annotation (
                HideResult = true,
                Placement(transformation(extent = {
                    {-140, -20}, 
                    {-100, 20}})));
        Modelica.Mechanics.Translational.Interfaces.Flange_b flange(s(stateSelect = StateSelect.avoid)) annotation (Placement(transformation(extent = {
            {90, -10}, 
            {110, 10}})));
        Modelica.SIunits.Velocity v = der(flange.s) annotation (HideResult = true);
    initial equation
        der(v) = a_start;
        flange.f = 0;
    end Set_a_start;

    encapsulated model Set_flange_f "Set flange_f to zero"
        import Modelica;

        extends Modelica.Blocks.Icons.Block;

        Modelica.Mechanics.Translational.Interfaces.Flange_b flange annotation (Placement(transformation(extent = {
            {90, -10}, 
            {110, 10}})));
        flange.f = 0;
    end Set_flange_f;

    Set_s_start set_s_start if use_s_start annotation (Placement(transformation(extent = {
        {-20, 50}, 
        {0, 70}})));
    Set_v_start set_v_start if use_v_start annotation (Placement(transformation(extent = {
        {-20, -10}, 
        {0, 10}})));
    Set_a_start set_a_start if use_a_start annotation (Placement(transformation(extent = {
        {-20, -70}, 
        {0, -50}})));
    Set_flange_f set_flange_f annotation (Placement(transformation(extent = {
        {20, -100}, 
        {40, -80}})));
    connect(a_start,set_a_start.a_start) annotation (Line(
        points = {
            {-120, -60}, 
            {-22, -60}},
        color = {0, 0, 127}));
    connect(s_start,set_s_start.s_start) annotation (Line(
        points = {
            {-120, 60}, 
            {-22, 60}},
        color = {0, 0, 127}));
    connect(v_start,set_v_start.v_start) annotation (Line(
        points = {
            {-120, 0}, 
            {-22, 0}},
        color = {0, 0, 127}));
    connect(set_a_start.flange,flange) annotation (Line(points = {
        {0, -60}, 
        {60, -60}, 
        {60, 0}, 
        {100, 0}}));
    connect(set_flange_f.flange,flange) annotation (Line(points = {
        {40, -90}, 
        {60, -90}, 
        {60, 0}, 
        {100, 0}}));
    connect(set_s_start.flange,flange) annotation (Line(points = {
        {0, 60}, 
        {60, 60}, 
        {60, 0}, 
        {100, 0}}));
    connect(set_v_start.flange,flange) annotation (Line(points = {
        {0, 0}, 
        {100, 0}}));

    annotation (
                preserveAspectRatio = true,
                extent = {
                    {-100, -100}, 
                    {100, 100}}),
            graphics = {
                    extent = {
                        {-94, 74}, 
                        {68, 46}},
                    textString = "s_start"), 
                    extent = {
                        {-94, 16}, 
                        {70, -14}},
                    textString = "v_start"), 
                    extent = {
                        {-94, -46}, 
                        {66, -74}},
                    textString = "a_start")}),
        Documentation(info = "<html>\n<p>\nThis component is used to optionally initialize the position, speed,\nand/or acceleration of the flange to which this component\nis connected. Via parameters use_s_start, use_v_start, use_a_start\nthe corresponding input signals s_start, v_start, a_start are conditionally\nactivated. If an input is activated, the corresponding flange property\nis initialized with the input value at start time.\n</p>\n\n<p>\nFor example, if \"use_s_start = true\", then flange.s is initialized\nwith the value of the input signal \"s_start\" at the start time.\n</p>\n\n<p>\nAdditionally, it is optionally possible to define the \"StateSelect\"\nattribute of the flange position and the flange speed via parameter\n\"stateSelection\".\n</p>\n\n<p>\nThis component is especially useful when the initial values of a flange\nshall be set according to reference signals of a controller that are\nprovided via a signal bus.\n</p>\n\n</html>"));
end InitializeFlange;