
class Concept "Concept"
    extends Modelica.Icons.Information;

    annotation (
        preferredView = "info",
        Documentation(info = "<html>\n<p>This package contains electric machine models and components for modeling these machines.</p>\n<strong>Limitations and assumptions:</strong>\n<ul>\n<li>number of phases (of induction machines) is limited to 3, therefore definition as a constant m=3</li>\n<li>phase symmetric windings as well as symmetry of the whole machine structure</li>\n<li>all values are used in physical units, no scaling to p.u. is done</li>\n<li>only basic harmonics (in space) are taken into account</li>\n<li>waveform (with respect to time) of voltages and currents is not restricted</li>\n<li>constant parameters, i.e., no saturation, no skin effect</li>\n</ul>\n<p>\nYou may have a look at a short summary of space phasor theory at <a href=\"\"></a>\n</p>\n<strong>Further development:</strong>\n<ul>\n<li>generalizing space phasor theory to m phases with arbitrary spatial angle of the coils</li>\n<li>generalizing space phasor theory to arbitrary number of windings and winding factor of the coils</li>\n<li>MachineModels: other machine types</li>\n<li>effects: saturation, skin-effect, ...</li>\n</ul>\n<p>\n<strong>In memoriam Prof. Hans Kleinrath (1928-03-07 - 2010-04-05)</strong>\n</p>\n\n</html>"));
end Concept;