model SimpleCylinder
import HydraulicsByFluidon.Media.Base.FluidInterface;
import SI = Modelica.SIunits;
extends PartialCylinder;
parameter Boolean forwardFluidProperties = false "Forward fluid properties between ports"
annotation (Dialog(tab = "Fluid Properties"));
SI.AbsolutePressure pB(start = environment.pAmbient, stateSelect = StateSelect.default, nominal = 100000) "Pressure in chamber B";
SI.Volume volumeB;
HydraulicsByFluidon.Interfaces.FluidPort fluidPortB "Hydraulic port B"
annotation (Placement(
visible = true,
extent = {
{70, -90},
{90, -110}},
rotation = 0),
extent = {
{70, -50},
{90, -70}},
rotation = 0)));
Real rhoB;
SI.MassFlowRate mFlowSumB(nominal = 1e-5);
SI.MassFlowRate mFlowInternalB(nominal = 1e-5);
if forwardFluidProperties then
fluidPortA.fluidTemperature = fluidPortB.fluidTemperature;
fluidPortA.fluidId = fluidPortB.fluidId;
fluidPortA.proportionUndissolvedAir = fluidPortB.proportionUndissolvedAir;
fluidPortA.polytropicExponent = fluidPortB.polytropicExponent;
end if;
fHydA = pA * areaA + environment.pAmbient * areaRodA;
fHydB = pB * areaB + environment.pAmbient * areaRodB;
mFlowSumB = mFlowInternalB + fluidPortB.mFlow;
mFluid = volumeA * rhoA + volumeB * rhoB;
rhoB = FluidInterface.calcRho(fluidPortB.fluidId, pB, fluidPortB.fluidTemperature);
volumeA = stroke * areaA + deadVolume;
volumeB = (cylinderLength - stroke) * areaB + deadVolume;
mFlowInternalB = relVelocity * areaB * rhoB;
fluidPortB.p = pB;
der(pB) = FluidInterface.calcKtCorrection(FluidInterface.calcKt(fluidPortB.fluidId, pB, fluidPortB.fluidTemperature), fluidPortB.proportionUndissolvedAir, fluidPortB.polytropicExponent, pB) / volumeB * (mFlowSumB / FluidInterface.calcRho(fluidPortB.fluidId, pB, fluidPortB.fluidTemperature));
annotation (
defaultComponentName = "simpleCylinder",
Documentation(info = "<html>\n <p>Simple model of a cylinder with Stribeck friction.</p> \n </html>"),
extent = {
{-190, -80},
{210, 120}},
initialScale = 0.1),
graphics = {
Line(points = {
{80, -40},
{80, -60}})}));
end SimpleCylinder;