SS-T: 3010 Imported Forces and Remote Loads
Use imported forces and remote loads in SimSolid analyses.
- Purpose
- SimSolid performs meshless
structural analysis that works on full featured parts and assemblies, is
tolerant of geometric imperfections, and runs in seconds to minutes. In this
tutorial, you will do the following:
- Learn how to import forces and remote loads from .csv files into SimSolid.
- Model Description
- The following model files are needed for this tutorial:
- Import_Forces_RemoteLoads.ssp
- Import_RemoteLoads.csv
- ImportLoads.csv
Open Project
- Start a new SimSolid session.
- On the main window toolbar, click Open Project .
- In the Open project file dialog, choose Import_Forces_RemoteLoads.ssp
- Click OK.
Import Forces
- In the Project Tree, select the Structural 1 workbench.
- On the workbench toolbar, select .
- In the Imported forces dialog, click Import from CSV.
Select ImportLoads.csv from the file explorer and click
The imported forces are shown in the dialog and mapped in the modeling window. You can edit the values in the dialog if necessary.
- Verify that Coordinates are set to [mm] and Forces are set to [N].
In the Load Case drop down menu, select Loadcase
- Click OK.
Run Analysis
- On the Project Tree, open the Analysis Workbench.
- Click Solve.
Plot Displacement Contour
- In the Project Tree, click on the analysis results.
On the Analysis Workbench, click .
The Legend opens and displays the Displacement Magnitude contour plot.
Create Second Structural Linear Analysis
- In the Project Tree, right-click on Structural 1.
Choose Copy from the context menu.
The Structural 2 analysis appears in the Project Tree.
- Click next to Structural 2 to expand the analysis branch.
- Under Structural 2, right-click on Imported Forces 1 and select Delete from the context menu.
Import Remote Load
- In the Project Tree, select the Structural 2 workbench.
- On the workbench toolbar, select .
- In the Imported remote loads dialog, click Import from CSV.
Select Import_RemoteLoads.csv from the file explorer and
click Open.
The imported remote loads are shown in the dialog and mapped in the modeling window. You can edit the values in the dialog by clicking Edit Load or double-clicking on a row.
In the Load Cases drop-down menu, select Structural
- Click OK.
Run Analysis
- On the Project Tree, open the Analysis Workbench.
- Click Solve.
Plot Displacement Contour
View a contour plot for displacement magnitude.
- In the Project Tree, click on the analysis results.
On the Analysis Workbench, click .
The Legend opens and displays the Displacement Magnitude contour plot.