My Models Page

This page allows you to upload custom models for processing data.

To upload a model

  1. Enter model name in the Model Name field.

  2. Enter model description in Model Description field. This step is optional.

  3. To specify the location of your model file in the Model Content field, click Upload.


NOTE: To create a global model, select the All users will have access to resources check box before uploading the model. The All users will have access to resources checkbox is not available if the Do not include Global option on Rights tab option is selected on MSAdmin.

In order to do this you have to be logged in Admin mode.


  1. Click Save.

NOTE: When you upload a model with a name that already exists in the system, the old model is overwritten with the new one.

Custom models are displayed in menus with the names of users that uploaded them.

To search for a custom model

  • Enter its name in Search field

To delete a model

  • Select it and click clip0128_1 below or above the table.


NOTE: In order to do this you have to be logged to Report Mining Server in Admin mode.



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