System Defaults

Use the System Defaults page to set your system default preferences. To access this page, on the Navigation Tree, click System Settings, select System Preferences, and click the System Defaults tab at the top of the page.

System defaults allow to specify values that will be used for the following parameters by default:

System defaults

  • Default Locale: From this list select a default locale for the Web Portal application. This locale will be displayed on the Login page and for all newly created users.

RMS System Defaults

  • Default View: Select the name of the view to show initially.

  • Delete Models: Select to remove source model after user session ends.

  • Delete Reports: Select to remove source report after user session ends.

  • Delete Templates: Select to remove source template after user session ends.

  • Server-side XML/XSL transformation: Select to use server XML/XSL conversion.

  • Enable formatting after XML/XSL transformation: Select to enable formatting for templates after XML/XSL conversion.

  • Default Server Library Folder: type in the name of a Server Library Folder to make its models appear in the Selected Models pane on RMS My Home page by default.

  • Available Allowed Views: The text box displays all available allowed data views that can be assigned for a particular user on RMS. You can shift the required data views into Assigned Allowed Views by clicking on them or dragging them. Use the Add All link to add all available allowed data views to the Assigned Allowed Views text box.

  • Assigned Allowed Views: The text box displays assigned allowed data views available for a particular user on RMS client. You can delete separate items in the view list by clicking on them. Use the Remove All link to clear the Assigned Allowed Views text box.


  • Save: Saves system default settings.

  • Clear: Clears all the boxes.

  • Cancel: Cancels the operation.

  • Reset: Resets all settings to default values.


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