Execution Frequency

Execution frequency (or run time) specifies both how often a process will run (for example, once, hourly, daily, etc.) and when it will be launched. You specify execution frequency when subscribing to notifications.

The options in the Execution Frequency pane allow you to set periodicity of launching the current process. An administrator can set the following options:

  • One Time: Select this option, if you want to launch the current process only once.

    • At: Set the time, when current process will be launched, in the HH:MM format.

    • on (MM/dd/yyyy): Set the date, when the current process will be launched. On clicking the field, the calendar appears.

  • Hourly: Select this option, if you want to launch the current process at the specified hour or hours.

    • At... minute(s) of Every hour: Set the time, when the current process will be launched, in the MM format.

  • Daily: Select this option, if you want to launch the current process in a specified number of days.

    • Every ... day(s): Set the number of days, after which the current process will recur.

    • At: Set the time, when the current process will be launched, in the HH:MM format.

  • Weekly: Select this option, if you want to launch the current process weekly.

    • Recur every: Set the number of weeks, after which the current process will recur.

    • Select corresponding days of week.

    • At: Set the time, when the current process will be launched, in the HH:MM format.

  • Monthly: Select this option, if you want to launch the current process monthly. For this:

    • Select the day, when to perform the process: 

      • If you select the first option, set the number of days in the box.

      • If you select the second option, select FirstSecondThirdFourth or Last from the first list, and the day of week from the second list.

    • Select the month, when to perform the action.

      • If you select the of every n Month option, set the number of month in the box.

      • If you select the of selected months option, select the appropriate month check box .

    • In the At check box set the time, when the current process will be launched, in the HH:MM format.

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