Consolidated View

The Consolidated View dialog box displays Report/Page/Select annotations and allows to find and print them.

To display this dialog box, click clip0049 on the Report View page.

The Consolidated View page contains the following items:

  • Report Annotations: Click the heading to expand a hidden section, listing all existing report annotations for selected documents.

  • Page Annotations: Click the heading to expand a hidden section, listing all existing page annotations for selected documents.

  • Select Annotations: Click the heading to expand a hidden section, listing all existing select annotations for selected documents.

  • Find: To search for an annotation, type the annotation text (or part of it) or the attached file name, and click Go. Annotations containing the text or the attached file name will be displayed in the box below.

  • Page: When you select an annotation from one of the above mentioned sections, this field displays the page number of this annotation.

  • Author: Displays the author name of the selected annotation.

  • Creation Date: Displays the creation date of the selected annotation.

  • Report Name: Displays the name of a report, containing the selected annotation.

  • Text: Displays the text of the selected page annotation.

  • Attached files: Displays the attached files of the selected annotation.

  • Go to: Click to open the report view on the page, containing the selected annotation.

  • Print all annotations: Click to display the full information about all available annotations in a separate window.

  • Print report: Click to generate a PDF file with annotations in the specified page range.

Note: Specify the page range in the Range for Converting dialog box, which opens after you click Print Report.

  • Print page: Click to print the page of the selected annotation in the PDF format.

  • Close: Click to close the Consolidated View dialog box.



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