RMS Settings

Use this page to set RMS settings. To access this page, on the Navigation Tree, click System Settings, select System Preferences, and click the RMS Settings tab at the top of the page.

RMS Settings



RMS Settings

End session redirect url: The URL to redirect users in case of end of session.

Digital Signature Settings

Certificate: Certificate for Excel projects.

Certificate friendly name: Certificate friendly name for Excel exports.

Enable digital signature: If it is selected and Certificate is not empty, Certificate will be available for Excel exports, else — Certificate will not be available even if Certificate value is defined.

Force digital signature: Force all exports to XLSX with signature. This entry is used only if Certificate is defined.

Navigation Settings

Show About link: Select to show About Dialog in RMS Client.

Show Preferences link: Select to show Preferences Dialog in RMS Client.

Show Allow Xlsx Format: Select to show Excel format checkbox in RMS Client.

Show Home: Select to show the My Home tab in RMS Client.

Show My Models: Select to show the My Models tab in RMS Client.


RMS Home Page Settings



Home Page Text Font

The font for the customer text at the Home page.

Home Page Text Font Size

The font size for the customer text at the Home page.

Home Page Text Color

The color for the customer text at the Home page.

Home Page Graphic URL

Certificate friendly name for Excel exports.

Home Page Text

The customer text at the Home page.


RMS Security Settings



Hash algorithm        

Hash algorithm that is used for checking checksum in the symmetric mode..
One of the following: SHA1, SHA256, SHA284, SHA512, MD5.

Signing digest algorithm

Hash algorithm that is used for getting digest for verifying signature.
One of the following: SHA1, SHA256, SHA284, SHA512, MD5.

Key algorithm        

Signature algorithm. Private and public key must be generated with this algorithm.
One of the following: DSA, RSA.

Encryption method type        

Checksum validation method.
One of the following: Assymetryc, Symmetric.

Expiration time (seconds)

Expiration time of checksum in seconds.

Ignore checksum

If selected, checksum generation and passing as a parameter in the initial request is ignored. Otherwise, it is required. Disabling checksum may be useful for testing, demonstration and development purposes — before production stage.


HECM Settings



File Downloader Url

The URL to the MECM FileDownloader servlet.

File Downloader Block Size (kb)

The maximum number of bytes to read in this retrieval. For example, a block size of 1048576 means: read the first 1 MB of the file. In the event that the file is larger than the block size requested by the client, the servlet will return an HTTP Partial Content response code (206). The client should follow up with another request to retrieve the next chunk of the file.

File Downloader Connection Timeout

The timeout while attempting to connect to the MECM FileDownloader servlet after which the connection is terminated, and an error is produced.


  • Save: Saves the settings.

  • Clear: Clears all the boxes.

  • Cancel: Cancels the settings.


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