Locale Management
A locale is a group of settings that determine the language, time format, date format, currency symbol, and so on. The existing locales are listed on the Locale Management page.
To access the Locale Management page, click System Settings on the Navigation Tree, and select Locale Management.
Use this page to edit locales.
The Locale Management page contains the following items:
Locale group: Select from the list of options.
Select Admin if you need to edit labels appearing only in MSAdmin.
Select Client if you need to edit labels appearing only in MSClient.
Select Common if you need to edit labels appearing both in MSAdmin and MSClient.
Select Services if you need to edit labels appearing in System Reports.
Select Database if you need to edit labels appearing in the database.
Locale Language: Select a language from the list. This list includes languages that were selected during the installation.
Search: You can search for a label, by typing its name in this box.
Constant name: The list displays names of fields as they appear in code, to facilitate tracking their location.
Original name: The list displays all labels appearing on the user interface.
New Name: The list displays all labels appearing on the user interface after localization.
Reload icon
: Click this icon to reload the grid.
Edit icon
: To edit a label, click anywhere on the row and click this icon. The Edit Record dialog box appears. Type the new name into a box and click Submit.
NOTE: You can open the Edit Record dialog box by clicking anywhere on a row.
You can edit labels in one of the following ways:
One by one:
Click the name of a label.
Type a new name in the Edit Record dialog box.
All at once:
Select the Import Resources tab.
After editing, click the Upload button to browse for an .xml file containing the list of all localized labels. Labels from the selected file will be uploaded and displayed on the Locale Management page.
NOTE: When necessary, company logos can be changed in Locale Management. Different logos can also be added for different locations (English, Deutsch, Français).
To do so, modify the following constants under the Common Locale Group.
Theme_LoginPageLogoUri: To change the logo in the login page
Theme_HeaderLogoUri: To change the header logo
Theme_ShortcutIconUri: To change the shortcut icon
To download the edited labels, click the Export Resources tab.
The Export Resource page contains the following items:
Locale Language: Select a language from the list. This list includes languages that were selected during the installation.
Export Resources: Click this button to open or download an .xml file, containing the list of all labels.
Export only overridden resources: Select this check box, to export only overridden resources.
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