

All the existing Visual Processes are displayed on the Processes page. To view the Processes page, on the Navigation Tree, click Automator > Visual Processes and select Processes.

The Processes page shows the following:

  • Process name

  • Logs column linked to the Process Logs page

  • Process description

  • Process current status displayed in the Usage column:

    • Monitored enabled

    • Monitored disabled

    • Scheduled enabled

    • Scheduled disabled

    • Ad hoc (i.e., no monitoring or schedule defined)

  • Date and time the process was created

  • Name of the author who created the process

  • Date and time the process was updated

  • Date and time the process was last run

  • Most recent status of the process

NOTE: When deleting a visual process that uses a model, workspace, or change list in the Server Library, a dialog box appears and gives the option to Delete dependencies. Clicking the Delete dependencies button removes the associated model, workspace, or change list from the Server Library. Clicking Cancel deletes the process only and not the associated model, workspace, or change list. The Delete dependencies option is not available when the model, workspace, or change list is used by more than one process.


From the Processes page, you may also


Using the corresponding fields in the column headings, you can filter the processes by

  • Name

  • Description

  • Usage

  • Created

  • Author

  • Updated

  • Updated by

  • Last run

  • Last status

The following filter settings are available:












Reset search value


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