Process Designer Scripting API

We have provided a short collection of script fragments to take a look at and copy and paste to serve as starting points or fragments of your own scripts.

The Visual Process Designer Scripting API expose the following members:

  • AddEvent: Adds any text to the log (for informational or auditing purposes).

  • AddInput: Adds an input item to the process.

  • AddOutput: Adds an output item to the items for the specified export.

  • AddPassword: Adds a script password.

  • AddRuntimeFieldValue: Sets the value for a runtime field. This value will be used, if called for, by subsequent exports.

  • AddVariable: Adds a variable to the script.

  • ClearPasswords: Clears all script passwords.

  • ClearRuntimeFieldValues: Clears values for runtime fields.

  • ExpandMacros: Expands macros in a given string, in the context of the entire log.

  • GetEvents: Gets the list of events for the log item specified by name.

  • GetExports: Gets the list of process export names.

  • GetInputs: Gets the list of input items.

  • GetOutputRowCount: Gets the row count of Report, Table, Summary, or DataPrep export by export element name; by export element name and location; or by export element name, location, and table name.

  • GetOutputs: Gets the list of output items for a process.

  • GetOutputs (string): Gets the list of output items for a specified process export.

  • GetOutputTableNames: Gets the table names of Report, Table, Summary, or DataPrep export by location.

  • GetPassword: Gets the list of script passwords.

  • GetProcessName: Returns the name of the process.

  • GetRuntimeFieldValue: Returns the current value, if any, for a given runtime field name.

  • GetTrackingId: Gets the tracking ID of the current log.

  • GetVariable: Gets the list of script variables.

  • HasPassword: Returns “true” if the password as added using the AddPassword method

  • HasRuntimeFieldValue: Returns true if a value has already been set for a given runtime field name.

  • RiseAlert: Rise process or global alert by name with a specified message.


Here are some specific examples.

API.AddInput Method

Adds an input item to the process.

Syntax: void AddInput(string fileName)



  Type: System.String

Path to the input file.

API.AddOutput Method

Adds an output item to the items for the specified export.

Syntax: void AddOutput(string exportName, string location)



  Type: System.String

Name of process export.


  Type: System.String

Path to the output file.

API.AddRuntimeFieldValue Method

Adds an output item to the items for the specified export.

Syntax: void AddRuntimeFieldValue(string fieldName, string fieldValue)



  Type: System.String

Name of runtime field.


  Type: System.String

Value of runtime field.

API.ClearRuntimeFieldValues Method

Clears values for runtime fields.

Syntax: void ClearRuntimeFieldValues()

API.GetExports Method

Gets the list of process export names.

Syntax: IList<string> GetExports()

Return Value:

   Type: StringCollection

     A StringCollection containing the process export names.

API.GetInputs Method

Gets the list of input items.

Syntax: IList<string> GetInputs()

Return Value:

   Type: StringCollection

     A StringCollection containing the process inputs.

API.GetProcessName Method

Returns the name of the process.

Syntax: string GetProcessName()

Return Value:

   Type: String

     The name of the process.

API.GetOutputs Method

Gets the list of output items for a process.

Syntax: IList<string> GetOutputs()

Return Value:

   Type: StringCollection

     A StringCollection containing the process outputs.

API.GetOutputs Method

Gets the list of output items for a specified process export.

Syntax: IList<string> GetOutputs(string exportName)



  Type: System.String

Name of process export.

Return Value:

   Type: StringCollection

     A StringCollection containing the outputs of the process export.

API.GetRuntimeFieldValue Method

Returns the current value, if any, for a given runtime field name.

Syntax: string GetRuntimeFieldValue(string fieldName)



  Type: System.String

Name of runtime field.

Return Value:

   Type: String

     Value for the specified runtime field or empty string.

API.HasRuntimeFieldValue Method

Returns true if a value has already been set for a given runtime field name.

Syntax: bool HasRuntimeFieldValue(string fieldName)



  Type: System.String

Name of runtime field.

Return Value:

   Type: Boolead

     True if this field has a value already set


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