Project Outputs via Manifest

In Standard Processes, projects can be added, removed, or sorted via manifest. The manifest XML for this purpose should be prepared as in the following format:

<manifest process="Process">



                    <project>Path to Project 1</project>

                    <project>Path to Project 2</project>



                    <project>Path to Project 3</project>

                    <project>Path to Project 4</project>          



                    <project order="1">Path to Project 5</project>      

                    <project order="2">Path to Project 2</project>

                    <project order="3">Path to Project 3</project>





NOTE: JSON schema may also be used for manifests. An example is shown below.


"process": "Process",

"projects": {

"add":["Path to Project 1", "Path to Project 2"],

"remove":["Path to Project 3", "Path to Project 4"],

"order":[{order:1, value: "Path to Project 5"}, {order:2, value: "Path to Project 2"}, {order:3, value: "Path to Project 3"}]




To override the output destination of a report export, construct the manifest XML as in the following example:

<manifest process="Process">


             <item project="path to project" name="ReportExport">

                    <data_source>Report export path</data_source>       





NOTE: JSON schema may also be used for this purpose. An example is shown below.


"process": "Process",

"outputs": [


"name": "ReportExport",

"project": "path to project",

"data_source": "Report export path"





To override the output destination of a table export, construct the manifest XML as in the following example:

<manifest process="Process">


             <item project="path to project" name="TableExport">

                    <data_source>Table export path</data_source>

                    <table_name>Table name</table_name>           


             <item project="path to project" name="TableExport2">

                    <data_source>Provider=SQLNCLI11;Data Source=localhost;User ID=sa;Initial Catalog=Export</data_source>

                    <table_name>Table name</table_name>






NOTE: JSON schema may also be used for this purpose. An example is shown below.


"process": "Process",

"outputs": [


"name": "TableExport",

"project": "path to project",

"data_source": "Table export path",

"table_name": "Table name"



"name": "TableExport2",

"project": "path to project",

"data_source": "Provider=SQLNCLI11;Data Source=localhost;User ID=sa;Initial Catalog=Export",

"table_name": "Table name",

"password": "Password"





To override the output destination of a summary export, construct the manifest XML as in the following example:

<manifest process="Process">


             <item project="path to project" name="SummaryExport">

                    <data_source>Summary export path</data_source>

                    <table_name>Table name</table_name>           


             <item project="path to project" name="SummaryExport2">

                    <data_source>Provider=SQLNCLI11;Data Source=localhost;User ID=sa;Initial Catalog=Export</data_source>

                    <table_name>Table name</table_name>






NOTE: JSON schema may also be used for this purpose. An example is shown below.


"process": "Process",

"outputs": [


"name": "SummaryExport",

"project": "path to project",

"data_source": "Summary export path",

"table_name": "Table name"



"name": "SummaryExport2",

"project": "path to project",

"data_source": "Provider=SQLNCLI11;Data Source=localhost;User ID=sa;Initial Catalog=Export",

"table_name": "Table name",

"password": "Password"





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