Purge Audit Trails in Binary Models or Projects

An important feature of Monarch is the audit trail. This is a record of events that is stored in model and project files when they are saved by Monarch.

The audit trail cannot be switched off in Monarch. This is by design, so that there is always a record of any changes, as well as who made them and when. However, models and projects can have a long lifetime, and if they are constantly being improved and refined – either due to growing needs for different analysis from the same input sources, or to take advantage of new features introduced in a new version of Monarch – they could potentially become quite large.

When Monarch is installed there is an option, mainly for IT Administrators who install and control software usage, to install the program in "Secure Audit Trail" mode. When installed in this mode, Monarch Utility is not installed on the computer, so there is no way for a user to purge the audit trail.

In this case the Administrator may, from time to time, want to purge multiple audit trails from Projects and Models using this function.

If users have access to Monarch Utility, they can perform the purge themselves.

  1. Launch the Monarch Utility wizard and ensure that the button for Purge audit trail in binary models or projects is selected. Click Next when you are finished.

  2. In the next screen that displays, enter the path to the source folder containing the model and project files with audit trails to purge. You can use the Browse button located beside this field to search for the appropriate folder.

  3. Check the box for Include subfolders if you wish to modify the authors and description of models and projects in all subfolders as well.

  4. Indicate a date to which the audit trail must be purged in the Purge All Entries Before Specified Date field. 

IMPORTANT: The audit trail will be purged up to the date you indicate. All activities from this date and later will not be purged.

  1. Select Next when you are finished.

  2. The next screen reiterates your instructions for the purge operation. Select Finish to proceed with purging if the indicated operation is correct. If you wish to make changes to the operation, select Back.

    The task is run, and the Monarch Utility Process log displays.



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