Navigating Tables in Monarch Classic

The Monarch Classic Table window includes fields extracted from a report or imported from an external database, along with calculated fields and any field that you might have imported using Monarch Classic’s database join capability. All these fields can result in a very large and very wide table. Typically, only a portion of the table appears on screen. To see more of the table you can use the following navigation controls to move up and down or left and right:

Vertical Scroll Bar



Up arrow

Scrolls up one record at a time.

Down arrow

Scrolls down one record at a time.


Tracks the vertical position in the table. To scroll to the top or bottom of the table, drag the slider to the top or bottom of the scroll bar. To scroll up or down one screen at a time, click in the scroll bar above or below the slider.


As you drag the slider, a tooltip window displays record numbers. To display a particular record, drag the slider until the tooltip displays its record number. The record will appear at the top of the Table window.

Note: The tooltip window is available only after Monarch Classic has built the entire table. Until then, Monarch Classic does not know how many records there will be in the table and so may not accurately display the record number if you drag the slider all the way to the bottom of the scroll bar.


Note: You can also use the mouse wheel to scroll up and down vertically.

Horizontal Scroll Bar



Left arrow

Scrolls left one field at a time.

Right arrow

Scrolls right one field at a time.


Tracks the horizontal position in the table. To scroll all the way left or right, drag the slider to the left or right edge of the scroll bar. To scroll left or right one screen at a time, click in the scroll bar to the left or right of the slider.

As you drag the slider, a tooltip window displays each field name. To display a particular field, drag the slider until the tooltip displays the field name. The field will appear at the left edge of the Table window.


Navigation Keys




Scrolls up one record.


Scrolls down one record.


Scrolls left one field.


Scrolls right one field.


Scrolls up one screen.


Scrolls down one screen.


Scrolls to the leftmost field in the table.


Scrolls to the rightmost field in the table.





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