Saving a Model

You can save a model file at any time during a Monarch Classic session. When you save a model, all of the definitions you created during the Monarch Classic session are saved. These include data extraction templates, external lookup parameters, field properties, filter, sort and calculated field definitions, and summary definitions. Models save work by allowing you to apply the same settings to a periodic report each time it is generated.

Several default settings are also saved in each model file. Settings saved in a model file take precedence over the default settings; when the model is loaded, the settings in the model override the defaults.



  • Monarch Classic model files are saved with the extension .dmod.

  •  While you can open .xmod models defined in previous versions of Monarch Classic, changes to these models in Monarch Classic must be saved using the .dmod extension.

Saving a model for the first time (or Save an existing model under a new name)

  1. Select File tab, then Save As, then  Model. The Save Model dialog displays.

  2. Specify a name for the model file in the File Name field, then click Save.

    To overwrite an existing model file, choose the file from the list, then choose Save.

    To create a new model file, enter a name for the model in the File Name field (you do not need to supply the .dmod extension), then choose Save.

    The model file is saved under the specified name.

Saving an existing model

If you have opened a model and made changes to it, you can save it under its current name by selecting File > Save > Model.




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