Monarch Classic Technical Specifications

Input and Export



Input file formats

Report Import Formats

  • ANSI


  • UTF-8

  • UTF-16 Big and Little Endian

  • HTML files (HTM, HTML, ASP)


  • Adobe ® Portable Document Format (PDF) 1.0 - 1.6

  • Portable Report Format (PRF) reports generated from Altair Monarch Server - Automator and/or Altair Server only

  • XML Paper Specification (XPS) 1.0

  • SAS  Transport File Format (XPORT) Version 5

Database Import Formats

  • Delimited Text

  • XLS (Excel 97-2003)

  • XLSX (Excel 2007-2013)

  • XLSM (Excel 2007-2013)

  • DBF (dBASE III, IV, and 5.0)

  • MDB (Access 2003 and earlier)

  • ACCDB (Access 2007-2010)

Number of report files opened simultaneously


Input file size

Limited only by system resources.

Input line length

4000 characters

Input pages

Limited only by system resources.

Export file formats and capacities (per table)

  • XLS (65,536 records)

  • XLSX (1,000,000 records)

  • XLSM (1,000,000 records)

  • DBF (255 fields - 3850 characters, 9,999,999 records)

  • MDB (255 fields - 2000 characters, 9,999,999 records)

  • ACCDB (255 fields - 2000 characters, 9,999,999 records)

  • UTF-8, UTF-16, ANSI and ASCII Fixed Width Text

  • UTF-8, UTF-16, ANSI and ASCII Delimited text

  • HTML (65536 default cell limit)

  • PDF

  • XML

  • DWX (255 fields - 2000 characters, 9,999,999 records)

  • HTM

  • QVX

  • Tableau Data (.csv)

  • Tableau Data Extracts (.tde)

  • SAS Transport File Format (XPORT) Version 5

  • SAP Export

Report Window



Template size

256 lines of 4000 characters.

Currency symbols

£ (Pound)
¥ (Yen)
€ (Euro)

Number formats

U.S. and International.

Dates recognized

Years 1601 to 2400 (when year is expressed as YYYY), 1900 to 2098 (when expressed as 2 digits).

Date formats


Multi-column regions supported


Table Window



Size of temporary files used to build table/sort

Variable depending on number of fields in the table. May total
several times the size of the report file.

Fields in table

256 maximum for Excel and other file types; 512 maximum for CSV files

Field name length

62 characters

Character field length

255 characters

Memo field length

65536 characters

Numeric field length

17 characters (15 significant digits, a negation sign and a
decimal point, up to 9 decimals).

Date field length

8 characters

Records in table

Variable depending  on number  of fields in the table, limited to internal database size of 10GB

Record length

4000 characters

Filter, calculated field and sort name length

31 characters

Filter and calculated field
expression length

32768 characters

Find expression length

127 characters

Expression nesting


Number, and length, of all fields involved in a sort definition.

The number and length of fields involved in a sort definition is limited only by the capacity of the internal database file underlying a Monarch Classic session and the 512 field overall limit.

Lookup definitions

Up to 16 external lookups can be defined.

Sort definitions

Limited only by sort key length requirements above.

Filter definitions

Limited by512 field capacity of Monarch Classic's internal database.

Summary Window



Summary name length

31 characters

Number, and length, of all fields involved in a summary definition.

The number and length of fields involved in a summary definition is limited only by the capacity of the internal database file underlying a Monarch Classic session. All sort fields and measures must reside in this file, along with all fields imported or joined from an external database and internal maintenance fields. The maximum capacity of the internal database is 512 fields and 4000 characters.

Key field length

256 characters

Item field length

256 characters

Measure length

14 significant digits each.

Summary definitions





Memory requirements

4GB minimum, 8GB or more recommended for best performance.

Network compatibility

All Windows-compatible networks.




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