Show Statistics


Displays statistics about a column. Statistics will show you, among others:

    • If your table has enough rows for you to work with

    • If there are nulls or blanks

    • The maximum, minimum, and average length of the values of the column

    • The number of unique values in the column

    • The sum of all values of a numeric column


  1. Right-click on a column whose statistics you want to view.

  2. Select Statistics > Show Statistics. The Statistics Panel displays.

  3. To hide the Statistics Panel, select Hide Statistics .

  4. To refresh the statistics displayed after some operation, such as a filter, is applied to it, select the Refresh   icon.


In this example, statistics for the column Customer are displayed.


A quick review shows that:

  • No records have null values

  • There are 33 rows in the table

  • There are 15 unique customers in the table



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