Rules for Exporting from a Summary to a Spreadsheet

When you export a summary to a spreadsheet file, Monarch Classic uses the following rules to create the export file:


Each row in the summary is used to create a worksheet row in the export file.


Each column in the summary is used to create a worksheet column in the export file.

Key field columns containing date values are always exported in serial date format to support their use in spreadsheet formulas that act on data values. When you import the data into your spreadsheet application, you can assign a date format to the cells to display them as dates.

Key field columns and measure columns containing numeric values are always exported in their most compact form, without currency symbols or thousands separators.

Column titles

Monarch Classic can optionally export the column titles as the first worksheet row. To export the column titles, select the Column Titles radio button in the Field Names tab of Export Options.



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