Printing From an Application to an XPS File

The Microsoft .NET Framework version 3.0 and later includes a new printer device called the XPS Document Writer. XPS (XML Paper Specification) is a platform independent, openly published standard designed by Microsoft.

Beginning with Monarch Classic Version 10.5 Pro, it is now possible to import from XPS files in a way that is similar to importing from PDF files. There are several benefits to using XPS files rather than PDF files. For one, though there are thousands of PDF producing applications, some of which produce PDF files with many errors and deviations from the specification, there are very few XPS producing ones. The XPS Document Writer is consistent in its production of documents, and it has the added benefit of being free.

  1. Open the report you wish to print to an XPS file.

  2. Select File tab, Print, then Print and choose the Microsoft XPS Document Writer from the Printer Name list.

    Note: You may also want to adjust some properties, such as the Paper Size and orientation, if you have a very wide report for example.

  3. To make any adjustments, click the Preferences button.

    On the Layout tab you can choose to print in Portrait or Landscape Orientation.

    To select a particular paper size, click the Advanced button.

    Once you have set the desired properties, click OK to return to the Print dialog.

  4. Click Print. A Save the File As dialog displays.

  5. Use the dialog the specify the location where you want the XPS file saved, then click the Save button.

    Once the XPS file has been saved, you can open it with Monarch Classic.



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