List of User-defined Functions
Function |
Parameter(s) |
Return Type |
Description |
Display_Name(First,Last[,Middle [,Title[,Suffix]]]) |
Character |
Character |
Returns the full displayable name given the individual name pieces: <1>first name</1>, <2>last name</2>, <3>middle name or middle initial</3>, <4>title (e.g., "Mr")</4>, <5>suffix (e.g., "Jr")</5> |
Value_XL(text) |
Character |
Numeric |
Converts a <1>text</1> string that represents a number to a number. This is an Excel function name for the intrinsic function Val. |
Char_XL(number) |
Numeric |
Character |
Returns the character specified by the code <1>number</1> from the character set for your computer. This is an Excel function name for the intrinsic function CHR. |
Code_XL(text) |
Character |
Numeric |
Returns a numeric code for the first character in a <1>text string</1>, in the character set used by your computer. This is an Excel function name for the intrinsic function ASC. |
Search_XL(find_text,within_text,start_num) |
Character, Character, Numeric |
Numeric |
Returns the number of the character at which a specific <1>character or text string</1> is first found, reading left to right (not case sensitive). This is an Excel function using the intrinsic functions Instr and Substr. |
Mid_XL(text,start_num,num_chars) |
Character, Numeric, Numeric |
Character |
Returns the characters from the middle of a <1>text string</1>, given a <2>starting position</2> and <3>length</3>. This is an Excel function name for the intrinsic function Substr. |
Replace_XL(old_text,start_num, num_chars,new_text) |
Character, Numeric, Numeric, Character |
Character |
Replaces part of an <1>existing text string</1> with a <4>new text string</4>, using a <3>specified number of characters</3>, starting at a <2>specified position</2>. This is an Excel function name for the intrinsic function Stuff. Note there is an existing intrinsic function called Replace. See also Substitute. |
Substitute_XL(text,old_text,new_text) |
Character, Character, Character |
Character |
Replaces <2>existing text</2> with <3>new text</3> in a <1>text string</1>. This is an Excel function name for the intrinsic function Replace. |
Trunc_XL(number) |
Numeric |
Numeric |
Truncates a <1>number</1> by removing the decimal, or fractional, part of the number. This is an Excel function name for the intrinsic function Int. |
Parse_Path(filespec,section) |
Character, Character |
Character |
Retrieves the specified <1>section</1> of a <2>path</2>. Valid sections are Drive,Folder,Filename,Filename_Only (Filename without extension), Path (Full path without the filename) and Extension_Only. |
Even_XL(number) |
Numeric |
Numeric |
Rounds a positive number up and negative number down to the nearest even integer. This is an Excel function using the intrinsic functions Mod and Ceiling. |
Odd_XL(number) |
Numeric |
Numeric |
Rounds a positive number up and negative number down to the nearest odd integer. This is an Excel function using the intrinsic functions Mod and Ceiling. |
Sign_XL(number) |
Numeric |
Numeric |
Returns the sign of a number: 1 if the number is positive, zero if the number is zero, or -1 if the number is negative. his is an Excel function using the intrinsic function If. |
Concatenate_XL() |
Character (limited to 12 strings) |
Character |
Joins several text strings into one text string. Limited to 12 strings. This is similar to the function in Excel. You can also join strings by using the + operator. |
MonthName_Eng(date) |
Date/Time |
Character |
Returns the English Month name for a specified <1>date</1>. E.g. 01/01/2007 would return January. |
WeekdayName_Eng(date) |
Date/Time |
Character |
Returns the English name of the day for a specified <1>date</1>. |
Check_SSN(ssn) |
Character |
Numeric |
Performs very simple US Social Security Number verification on a character string representing the SSN. Returns 1 if the number is valid, otherwise returns 0. NOTE, this should only be used as a mechanism for assisting in trapping simple data entry errors, not as a validation technique to avoid fraud. |
Check_NINumber(NINumber) |
Character |
Numeric |
This is a simple verification check for UK National Insurance Numbers. Returns 1 if the number is valid, otherwise returns 0. NOTE, this should only be used as a mechanism for assisting in trapping simple data entry errors, not as a validation technique to avoid fraud. |
Check_NHSNumber(NHSNumber) |
Numeric |
Numeric |
Checks a UK NHS Number using the rules in Returns 1 if the number is valid, otherwise returns 0. NOTE, this should only be used as a mechanism for assisting in trapping simple data entry errors, not as a validation technique to avoid fraud |
Check_CC(CCNumber) |
Character |
Numeric |
Checks a <1>string representing a credit card number</1> against the Luhn or MOD 10 formula. Note this only works for 13, 14, 15 and 16 digit numbers. Returns 1 if the number is valid, otherwise returns 0. NOTE, this should only be used as a mechanism for assisting in trapping simple data entry errors, not as a validation technique to avoid fraud |
JulianCalendarDate_To_Date(juliandate) |
Numeric |
Date/Time |
Converts a <1>Julian Calendar Date</1>, e.g. 2450000 to a date. Note that this does not deal with fractions of a Julian Calendar date, i.e. times. |
Pi() |
Numeric |
Returns the value of Pi to 8 decimal places |
Euro_To_Legacy_Currency(Euro_Amount, currency) |
Numeric, Character |
Numeric |
Converts a <1>Euro amount</1> to a legacy currency amount that is now using the Euro. Valid <2>currency identifiers</2> are ATS, BEF, DEM, ESP, FIM, FRF, GRD, IEP, ITL, LUF, NLG, PTE, and VAL. If an unknown currency is entered, the function returns null. |
Legacy_Currency_To_Euro(Legacy_Amount, currency) |
Numeric, Character |
Numeric |
Legacy_Currency_To_Euro(Legacy_Amount,currency) - Converts a <1>legacy currency amount</1> that is now using the Euro to a Euro amount. Valid <2>currency identifiers</2> are ATS, BEF, DEM, ESP, FIM, FRF, GRD, IEP, ITL, LUF, NLG, PTE, and VAL. If an unknown currency is entered, the function returns null. |
Format_SSN(ssn,format_type) |
Character, Character |
Character |
Formats a US <1>Social Security Number</1>. To remove hyphens from a SSN, specify a <2>format type</2> of remove_hyphens, to add hyphens, specify a <2>format type</2> of add_hyphens. |
End_Of_Previous_Month([input_date]) |
Date/Time |
Date/Time |
Returns the date of the last day of the preceding month for an optional specified <1>date</1>. If no input date is specified, the date is assumed to be todays date. |
Start_Of_Current_Month([input_date]) |
Date/Time |
Date/Time |
Returns the date of the first day of the month for an optional specified <1>date</1>. If no date is specified, the date is assumed to be todays date. |
Tomorrow() |
Date/Time |
Returns tomorrow's date. |
Yesterday() |
Date/Time |
Returns yesterday's date. |
Start_Of_Working_Week(date) |
Date/Time |
Date/Time |
Returns the date of the first day of this working week, assuming Monday is the start of the week. If no input date is specified, the date is assumed to be todays date. |
End_Of_Working_Week(date) |
Date/Time |
Date/Time |
Returns the date of the last day of a working week of a specified date, assuming Monday is the start of the working week. If a date falls on a weekend, the last day is assumed to be the day 5 or 6 days later. If no date is specified, todays date is used. |
End_Of_Current_Month([input_date]) |
Date/Time |
Date/Time |
Returns the date of the last day of the current month as a date for the specified <1>date</1>. If no date is specified, then the current date is assumed. |
DateSerial1900(date) |
Date/Time |
Numeric |
Returns an Excel style date serial number for a given <1>date</1> based on the 1900 date system. |
DateSerial1904(date) |
Date/Time |
Numeric |
Returns an Excel style date serial number for a given <1>date</1> based on the 1904 date system. |
_WorkingDays_ComputeDaysOffInRange (startdate,enddate) |
Date/Time, Date/Time |
Numeric |
Returns the number of days off in the range of dates from <1>startdate</1> to <2>enddate</2>. Days off are defined as days that would ordinarily be working days, but are not worked because they are holidays or vacation days. This must be edited before using the Working_Days user defined function. |
_WorkingDays_ComputeNormalWorkingDays InRange(startdate,enddate) |
Date/Time, Date/Time |
Numeric |
Returns the number of normal working days in the range of dates from <1>startdate</1> to <2>enddate</2>. Does not account for holidays or vacation days. |
_WorkingDays_ComputeWorkingDays InRange(startdate,enddate) |
Date/Time, Date/Time |
Numeric |
Returns the number of working days in the range of dates from <1>startdate</1> to <2>enddate</2>. This calculation takes into account holidays that fall on dates that what would otherwise be working days. |
CountOccurrencesOfWeekdayInRange (weekday,startdate,enddate) |
Numeric, Date/Time, Date/Time |
Numeric |
Returns the number of occurrences of the given <1>weekday</1> (1=Sunday, 2=Monday, etc.) that fall in the range of dates from <2>startdate</2> to <3>enddate</3>. |
DateIsInRange(date,startdate,enddate) |
Date/Time, Date/Time, Date/Time |
Numeric |
Returns 1 if the given <1>date</1> is in the range of dates starting with and including <2>startdate</2> and ending with but not including <3>enddate</3>. Returns 0 if the given <1>date</1> is not in the range. |
_WorkingDays_DateIsWorkingDay InRange(date,startdate,enddate) |
Date/Time, Date/Time, Date/Time |
Numeric |
Returns 1 if the given <1>date</1> falls on a work day that is in the range of dates from <2>startdate</2> to <3>enddate</3>. Returns 0 otherwise. |
_WorkingDays_FirstValidDateForWorkingDays() |
Date/Time |
Returns the first date that is valid for use in the WorkingDays function. This must be checked/edited before first using the WorkingDays function. |
_WorkingDays_IsValidDateRange ForWorkingDays(startdate,enddate) |
Date/Time, Date/Time |
Numeric |
Returns 1 if the range of dates from <1>startdate</1> to <2>enddate</2> is a valid range for use in the WorkingDays function. Returns 0 otherwise. |
_WorkingDays_IsWorkingDay(weekday) |
Numeric |
Numeric |
Returns 1 if the given <1>weekday</1> (1=Sunday, 2=Monday, etc.) is normally a work day, else returns 0. This must be checked/edited before first using the WorkingDays function. It is currently set to a work week of Monday to Friday. |
_WorkingDays_LastValidDateForWorkingDays() |
Date/Time |
Returns the last date that is valid for use in the WorkingDays user-defined function. This must be checked/edited before first using the WorkingDays function. |
Weekday_Is_In_Partial_Week (weekday, startday, endday) |
Numeric, Numeric, Numeric |
Returns 1 if the given <1>weekday</1> (1=Sunday, 2=Monday, etc.) is in the partial week that extends from the given <2>startday</2> up to but not including the following <3>endday</3>. Returns 0 otherwise. |
Working_Days(startdate,enddate) |
Date/Time, Date/Time |
Numeric |
Returns the number of working days in the range of dates from <1>startdate</1> to <2>enddate</2>. This calculation takes into account holidays that fall on dates that what would otherwise be normal working days. Before using this function, you MUST customize the following user defined functions, starting with _WorkingDays_ : ComputeDaysOffInRange, IsWorkingDay, FirstValidDateForWorkingDays and LastValidDateForWorkingDays. |
Qtr_Advanced(date,q1_start) |
Date/Time, Date/Time |
Numeric |
Returns the quarter (1-4) of a <1>date</1>, based on a <2>different starting date for Quarter 1</2>. For example, if the date specified for the start of Q1 was 1st October 2006, then 31st January 2007 would be 2. Note that you must specify a full date for the start of Q1, but the year part is not significant, the function will work over all years for the input date. |
Unix_Time_Number_To_Date(unix_time) |
Numeric |
Date/Time |
Converts a <1>Unix or Epoch time number</1> based on UTC to a date/time. Note that Date/Time is only accurate to the second. Unix time numbers with fractions of a second will be rounded. |
Date_To_Unix_Time_Number(date) |
Date/Time |
Numeric |
Converts a <1>date</1> based on UTC to a Unix or Epoch Time Number. Note that Date/Time is only accurate to the second. |
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