Function: PDFInfo


This function returns information about the table's source PDF document. Information may be:

  • Author
    The name of the person who created the document.

  • CreationDateRaw
    The date and time when the document was created, using the original PDF date format.

  • CreationDateISO
    The date and time when the document was created, in ISO 8601 date format.

  • Creator
    The name of the application that created the original document from which it was converted, if the document was converted to PDF from another format.

  • Keywords
    Keywords defined for the document.

  • ModDateRaw
    The date and time the document was most recently modified, using the original PDF date format.

  • ModDateISO
    The date and time the document was most recently modified, in ISO 8601 date format.

  • PageCount
    The total number of pages in the document.

  • Producer
    The name of the application that converted it to PDF, if the document was converted to PDF from another format.

  • Subject
    The subject of the document.

  • Title
    The document’s title.

  • Version
    The PDF version of the document.

You can use this feature to verify and audit the data you have brought into Monarch Data Prep Studio.




infotype may be:

  • Author

  • CreationDateRaw

  • CreationDateISO

  • Creator

  • Keywords

  • ModDateRaw

  • ModDateISO

  • PageCount

  • Producer

  • Subject

  • Title

  • Version


  • infotype must be enclosed in quotes, e.g. "Version"

Return value

This function returns a string value corresponding to the information retrieved from the PDF file.


  • If the information is not available in the PDF document, the function returns a blank.

  • If the function is applied to a non-PDF document, the function returns a blank

Calculated field example

Define a calculated field PDF_Creator using the following expression: PDFInfo("Creator")

If the original document was created from PostScript, for example, the result is a  PDF_Creator column with the value: PScript5.dll Version 5.2.2



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