Function Syntax Rules

The following syntax rules apply to the use of functions in calculated fields:

  • A function may be entered in uppercase or lowercase.

  • For example, all of the following are valid:

    • Month(SaleDate)

    • MONTH(SaleDate)

    • month(SaleDate)

  • Function arguments must be enclosed in parentheses.

  • For example: Month(SaleDate)

    Where SaleDate is a column in the table, and is the argument to the function Month( )

  • Multiple arguments must be separated by commas or semicolons (depending upon your Windows Language settings), and they must appear in the order specified by the function definition.

  • For example: Instr("North",Region)

    Where "North" and Region are both required arguments. (In this example, we are searching for the text "North" among all values of the Region column.

  • A function may be embedded as an argument within another function.

  • For example: Instr("North", Intrim(Region))

    Where "North" and Region are both required arguments. (In this example, we are searching for the text "North" among all values of the Region column, after all Region values are trimmed of duplicate spaces.




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