Connector Dialog for Business Objects

Enter values into the dialog box to connect and fetch data from your Business Objects data source.





URL to connect to the Business Objects data source.


Port Number required to access the data source.


A valid Username required to log-on to the host.


A valid Password required to log-on to the data source. This password must match the User ID above.

Authentication Type

Select one of the following:

  • Enterprise authentication

Use the system default Enterprise Authentication if you prefer to create distinct accounts and groups for use with BusinessObjects Enterprise, or if you have not already set up a hierarchy of users and groups in a Windows NT user database, an LDAP directory server, or a Windows AD server.

  • LDAP authentication

If you set up an LDAP directory server, you can use existing LDAP user accounts and groups in BusinessObjects Enterprise. When you map LDAP accounts to BusinessObjects Enterprise, users are able to access BusinessObjects Enterprise applications with their LDAP user name and password. This eliminates the need to recreate individual user and group accounts within BusinessObjects Enterprise.

  • Windows AD authentication

If you are working in a Windows 2000 environment, you can use existing AD user accounts and groups in BusinessObjects Enterprise. When you map AD accounts to BusinessObjects Enterprise, users are able to log on to BusinessObjects Enterprise applications with their AD user name and password. This eliminates the need to recreate individual user and group accounts within BusinessObjects Enterprise.

  • SAPR3

Use SAP R/3 Authentication.

Request Timeout

Amount of time the application will wait for a response from the Server before declaring a timeout error.


Click to connect to the host using the log-in information specified in this dialog. If the connection is successful, Universes available are displayed on the Selected Universe panel.

Selected Universe

Displays all Universes available in the data source you have connected to.

Select a Universe to display its items on the Selected Items panel

Selected Items

Displays items from the currently selected Universe. For each item, you can:

  • Set a display name

  • Define a filter condition

  • Delete it (i.e., not include it in the Monarch Data Prep Studio workspace.

Define or view properties as needed:

  • Display Name: Enter the name of the column to be used in Monarch Data Prep Studio. By default, this is the Item Name.

  • Item Name: Name of the column. This field is not editable.

  • Filter Operation: Select the operation from the drop-down list. The operations available are dependent on the column's data type:

  • Filter Value: value of the filter.

Note that all string values need to be qualified with the % sign.  For instance, to set a filter to display only Last Names that start with "SMITH", define the following:


  • Path: Location of the column within the Universe

  • Delete Icon: Select to delete the column from Monarch Data Prep Studio.



Displays filters that have been pre-defined for the currently selected Universe.

These filters are not editable but are displayed to help you verify the data that is displayed by Monarch Data Prep Studio.


Preview Data

Click to fetch data using the credentials and criteria you have specified. 10 records are displayed to allow you to verify that you are selecting the correct data.


Click to check that the query created is correct.


Select OK to establish the connection and fetch data or Cancel to close the dialog. 

The state of the OK and PREVIEW buttons provides a handy status about the state of your connection:

  • The OK and PREVIEW DATA buttons are enabled as soon as the required fields have been entered and verified. This usually means a connection to the data source has been established and a table has been selected.

  • The OK button is disabled when an update is made that can lead to an invalid result (e.g. the User Name or Password is not valid, or the the SQL statement in the Query tab is invalid). In such cases, use  PREVIEW DATA to validate that data can be retrieved. If this fails verify your connection information or query until data can be retrieved.




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