Preferences: Inspire Extrude
Define preferences for mouse controls and options related to how information is calculated and displayed.
Run Options

Preference | Description |
Number of CPU cores | The number of CPU cores used during optimization or analysis runs. For larger models, significant time savings can be achieved by using at least two cores to perform the calculation. |
Advanced parameters | Enable to enter solver parameters like number of non-linear iterations, etc in export panel. |
Run in model directory | Enable this option if you want to store run history in the directory where the model is located rather than the run history path. |
Run history path | Location where run folders are created automatically when a run is submitted. |
Use SimLab meshing | Enabling this preference will use SimLab for meshing in pre-processing stage. |
Use HyperXtrude Job Manager | Enabling this preference will use the HyperXtrude Job Manager instead of the PBS Job Manager. |
PuTTy location | Path to PuTTy installation. |
Gzip location | Path to Gzip location. |

Preference | Description |
User Material DB Path | Location where user material files are stored. |
User Press DB Path | Location where user press files are stored. |
Quench System DB Path | Location where quench systems are saved. |

- Analysis Legend Colors
- Use the drop-down menus to change the legend colors for each of the analysis result types.

Preference | Description |
Add-on package location | Installation location which contains necessary tools to capture images and create the report. |
Show customer info | Enabling this checkbox will attach the Customer Info to the generated PDF report. |
Customer Info | Specify Name, Email, Address, and Company logo file to be attached to the PDF report. |