Create Bushings
Bushings can be created between two set of surfaces of two parts or a single set of surfaces of a single part to ground. You need to define at least one linear or rotational stiffness. Mass is optional.
On the Structures or Motion ribbon, select the Bushings
Tip: To find and open a tool, press Ctrl+F. For more information, see Find and Search for Tools. -
Choose the type of bushing to create:
- Part to Part (default): Create a bushing between selected surfaces of a pair of parts.
- Part to Ground: Create a bushing between selected surfaces of a single part to ground.
Do one of the following:
- To create a bushing with the default properties, select the surfaces of two parts between which you want to create a bushing.
- To create a bushing with the same properties as the previously selected bushing, select a surface.
Note: While holding down Ctrl, click to multi-select and deselect. -
On the Stiffness, Damping, and
Preload tabs, you can do the following:
Note: Damping, and Preload are only available if you opened Bushings from the Motion ribbon.
On the Inertia tab, enter the
Note: The Inertia tab is only available if you opened Bushings from the Structures ribbon.
- Mass: Enter the bushing's mass.
- Ixx: Enter the moment of inertia about the axis oriented as global x passing through the center of mass
- Iyy: Enter the moment of inertia about the axis oriented as global y passing through the center of mass
- Izz: Enter the moment of inertia about the axis oriented as global z passing through the center of mass
Click Create the Bushing
In the microdialog, you have the following options:
Option Description Align to Global Axes Align to the global axes. Move Translate or rotate using the Move tool. Add/Remove Add/remove faces from the selected bushings. Set Origin X Set the origin coordinate in the X direction. Set Origin Y Set the origin coordinate in the Y direction. Set Origin Z Set the origin coordinate in the Z direction. - To create more bushings, repeat Steps 2–7.
- Right-click and mouse through the check mark to exit, or double-right-click.