LS-DYNA Input Interface KeywordDefines the finite element properties of thick shell elements.


(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8)


Field Contents SI Unit Example
sec_ID Section identifier.


ELFORM Solid element formulation options.
= 0
Set to 1.
= 1 (Default)
HEPH 8-node solid element, 1 Gauss integration point, co-rotational system formulation, physical hourglass stabilization.
= 2, 5, 6, 7
8-node solid element, co-rotational, full integration, fixed 2*2*2 Gauss integration points, shear locking-free.


NIP Number of integration points through the thickness.



  1. This keyword maps to /PROP/TYPE20 (TSHELL), /PROP/TYPE21 (TSH_ORTH) or /PROP/TYPE22 (TSH_COMP).
  2. Depending on the element formulation and material used, the additional recommended solid properties are automatically defined.
  3. The option “_TITLE” can be added to the end of this keyword. When “_TITLE” is included, an extra 80 characters long line is added after the keyword input line which allows an entity title to be defined.