Bulk Data Entry This parameter sets preferences for storage of reduced fluid mass, fluid stiffness, and fluid damping matrices for acoustic superelements.

Parameter Values Description
For acoustic superelements with this parameter set, the reduced fluid mass, fluid stiffness, and fluid damping matrices are not stored. Only the fluid-structure interface matrix is stored for these acoustic superelements.
NO (Default)
For acoustic superelements, the reduced fluid matrices are stored along with the fluid-structure interface matrix.


  1. Assuming that there are N acoustic superelement models that share a single contiguous fluid cavity, PARAM,ACMTXNO,YES can be added to N-1 of these superelement generation models to avoid storing the reduced fluid mass, fluid stiffness, and fluid damping matrices in all the N-1 superelements. The Nth superelement can be generated without this parameter and these N superelements can then be used in a residual run. These superelements can also be turned into design variables using DMIGDV on CMSMETH.
  2. The physical fluid cavity can be optionally included/excluded in the residual run.