OS-V: 0600 Simply Support Beam

OptiStruct is used to investigate the peak Displacement, Stress and Moment in the mid-span node of the beam. The width of the beam is 1.458 in.

1. Cross-section and Dimensions of Beam

Model Files


Benchmark Model

Rectangular cross-section CBEAM elements are used to model the simply-supported beam which consists of 10 elements. The displacements in x, y, and z direction are fixed at the end A and the displacements in y and z direction and the x rotations are constrained at end B. A Spectrum input in terms of acceleration, velocity and displacement is applied in the vertical direction at both supports. The damping is specified as zero for this problem.

The material properties are:
Young's Modulus
30 x 106 psi
0.0098 lb-s2/in4
1. Response Spectra Input
Frequency (Hz) Displacement (inch) Velocity (inch/sec) Acceleration (inch/sec2)
0 0 0 0
5 0.783 24.599 772.80
6 0.4531 17.083 644.01
6.08 0.4316 16.538 633.66
7 0.2854 12.550 552.01
8 0.2222 11.1659 561.44

Response Spectrum Analysis Results

Model Spectrum Displacement






Biggs 0.56 20100.00 959500.00
CBEAM Displacement 0.55 19520.38 929716.81
Normalized 1.018 1.0296 1.0320
CBEAM Velocity 0.55 19519.60 929679.68
Normalized 1.018 1.0297 1.0320
CBEAM Acceleration 0.55 19517.91 929599.25
Normalized 1.018 1.0298 1.0321


J. M. Biggs, Introduction to Structural Dynamics, McGraw-Hill Book Co., Inc., New York, NY, 1964, pg.262, article 6.4.