GUI Toolkit Examples#

Example 01 - Custom Dialog#

Custom Dialog#
 1from hw import *
 2from hw.hv import *
 3from hwx.xmlui import gui
 4from hwx import gui as gui2
 5import os
 8def MyCustomGui():
10    # Set of functions used as commands linked to various widgets
11    def onClose(event):
12        dialog.Hide()
14    def onRun(event):
15        dialog.Hide()
16        gui2.tellUser("Done!")
18    def onModified():
19        # Function to update the output label with the slider value when
20        # the slider is interactively used
21        output.value = str(f"Output Quality: {slider.value}")
23    def comboboxFunc(event):
24        # output.text = event.value
25        pass
27    # Creating objects for various UI widgets
28    label1 = gui.Label(text="Model File")
29    modelFile = gui.OpenFileEntry(placeholdertext="Model File")
30    label2 = gui.Label(text="Result File")
31    resultFile = gui.OpenFileEntry(placeholdertext="Result File")
32    label3 = gui.Label(text="Screenshot Folder")
33    folderSel = gui.ChooseDirEntry(tooltip="Select output directory")
34    slider = gui2.Slider(maxvalue=100, tracking=False, value=10, command=onModified)
35    output = gui2.Label(f"Output Quality: {slider.value}")
36    formats = (("jpeg", "JPEG"), ("png", "PNG"))
37    buttons = gui2.HRadioButtons(formats)
38    levels = (("lvl1", "Level 1"), ("lvl2", "Level 2"), ("lvl3", "Level 3"))
39    combobox = gui2.ComboBox(levels, command=comboboxFunc)
41    # Defining the pair of custom buttons at the bottom of the dialog
42    close = gui.Button("Close", command=onClose)
43    create = gui.Button("Run", command=onRun)
45    # Creating a vertical frame to organize all the widgets.
46    # We are using integer values or <-> spacer to control the spacing between widgets.
47    mainFrame = gui.VFrame(
48        (label1, 10, modelFile),
49        (label2, 10, resultFile),
50        (label3, 10, folderSel),
51        (output, 10, slider),
52        (buttons, "<->"),
53        (combobox, "<->"),
54        (create, close),
55    )
57    # Creating a dialog instance that hosts and displays all the widgets constructed above
58    dialog = gui.Dialog(caption="Example Dialog")
59    dialog.recess().add(mainFrame)
61    # The xmlui.gui Dialog uses two bottom buttons by default. We are hiding them as we created
62    # our own Run and Close buttons to demonstrate what could be controlled.
63    dialog.setButtonVisibile("ok", False)
64    dialog.setButtonVisibile("cancel", False)
66    # Displaying the dialog with prescribed dimensions
67, height=100)

Figure 1. Custom dialog containing various widgets