Essential Information about Flux 2022.1
Essential information about Flux 2022.1 |
In order to use the version, you need:
Flux 2022.1 is available for Windows and Linux
The Linux version is qualified with the Gnome Classic with X11 display server. It is highly advisable to use the Gnome Classic with X11 display server to run Flux on Linux. |
Flux 2022.1 takes into account the feedback from several users, and around 40 customer issues have been fixed in this version. |
The Windows installers of Flux and FluxMotor are merged into one installer. As FluxMotor is not supported on Linux, the Linux installer contains only Flux. |
Distributed computing with MPI is available in Flux for Windows and Linux and can be used with PBS. However, qualification on Windows cluster connected with InfiniBand has not been done and Linux clusters are highly recommended for parallel computing. |
It is possible to install Flux on Windows or Linux without administrator rights with limited functionalities. |
Update of log4j from 1.2.17 to 2.17.1 due to security vulnerability. |
About CDE Licensing: Before using
CDE, please check that the environment
variable for the license: ALTAIR_LICENSE_PATH is set
as system environment variable. Avertissement : If
ALTAIR_LICENSE_PATH is set as user
environment variable only, CDE will fail. For CDE to work properly,
ALTAIR_LICENSE_PATH environment variable must
be set as system environment variable. |
About the CDE/CSS user temporary directory
%TEMP%: (The user temporary directory is by default: C:\Users\<username>\AppData\Local\Temp) If
there are a lot of files in the user temporary directory (according
to our tests, "a lot" means more than 50 000 files, but it could be
lower or higher on your computer), then CSS
and CDE services will not start. In order to
fix this issue, please follow the procedure described below:
Minimum memory required: