List of Flux 2024 new features

New features dealing with Meshing

New features Description
MeshGems removed and replaced by ASML

MeshGems is no longer available, and has been replaced by default by the mesher Altair Solid Mesher Library.

ASML Library has been updated.

New features dealing with Physics

New features Description
Importing mechanical stress distributions into Flux 2D

It is now possible to import a spatial distribution of mechanical constraints evaluated with SimLab/OptiStruct into a Flux 2D project. The distribution is imported as a spatial quantity and assigned automatically to Laminated magnetic non-conducting regions with the Mechanical Stress dependence option and characterized by a material with a valid B(Stress) property.

This is achieved through a new Constraint type now available for laminated regions (Defined by a spatial variable distribution) that admits all kinds of Flux expressions, including spatial quantities that may have not been generated by a previous import (i.e., spatial quantities or expressions defined by the user by classical means).

This feature allows users to model magneto-mechanical effects resulting from mechanical constraints (e.g., centrifugal forces or residual stress related to manufacturing) more accurately.

The command to perform this import is available in Flux 2D while in pre-processing for Transient Magnetic and Magnetostatic applications through the Physics menu (options Mechanical stress distributions → Import spatial distribution from SimLab/OptiStruct). Further information on how to use this feature is available in the user guide (chapter Importing mechanical stress distributions into Flux 2D).

Convert a 2D magnetic application in a Skewed magnetic application (rotating electrical machines) From 2024 Altair Flux version, 2D users can take advantage of the new Convert current applicationto Skew module feature. 2D magnetic applications are easily converted to Skew module allowing the electrical machines designers to analyze the skewing effect on the machines performance.
Predefined LS model for two new electrical steel sheets The library of predefined electrical steel sheets for materials implementing the Loss Surface (LS) model for the evaluation of iron losses has been expanded. Two new electrical steel grades have been added: NO25 and M250-50A.

To use them in a simulation, the user must create a material with a B(H) magnetic property of type 'Sheet iron described by LS model' using one of the new predefined sheets and then assign it to a laminated magnetic region. Alternatively, in a solved project containing laminated magnetic regions characterized by other materials, the new predefined sheets may also be employed to evaluate iron losses à posteriori with the help of the 'Computation of iron losses' command, by selecting the option 'LS predefined sheets' for the model of losses.

New features dealing with Solving

New features Description
Improvements of Parametric Distribution Solving

Some improvements have been added to Flux 2024 regarding the Parametric Distribution Solving:

  • setting of memory for each concurrent Flux in the windows of the distribution manager
  • increase the speed-up of the parametric distribution solving

New features dealing with Flux e-Machine Toolbox ( FEMT)

New features Description
Iron losses computation strategy From version 2024, with the MTPA and MTPV command modes only, the iron losses are computed using a new internal method called "Half cycle". This method allows to compute the iron losses over half an angular period, thus reduces the total number of computation steps and therefore improves performance by reducing computation time without altering the results.
Note: This "Half cycle" method is not available for the MTPA Fast and MTPV Fast command modes.

Updated/New macros

Updated / New macros
WFM_LUT_2D_4SystemAnalysis_Half.PFM (New)

This macro is an adaptation of the LUT_2D_4SystemAnalysis macro for Wound Field motor. This macro can be found in the Macros_4SystemAnalysis directory.

Remember: This macro creates look up table of φDQ, LD, LQ and torque versus ID, IQ, rotor position and IDCRotor. It will create a new Magneto-Static project from the magnetic transient one. In the Magneto-Static project the current is driven with ID, IQ and IDCRotor allowing to extract easily all the needed tables. At the end of the oml file in comment there is the possibility to display torque, joule losses, static and dynamic inductances versus ID and IQ for a given value of IDCRotor with Altair Compose.

Important: It is recommended to use those macros with parallel computing on to have correct computation time.
CreateParameterizedArcofCircle.PFM (New)

this new macro allows creating parameterized arc of circle which are compatible with the macro creating parameterized part for FluxMotor.

CreateFluxMotorInnerMagnetWithGeometricParameter.PFM (Update)

This macro has been modified in order to be more robust. The goal is to transfer geometric parameters from Flux to FluxMotor part

Find_Rotor_Angle.PFM (2D, 3D and Skew macros) (Update)

Find_Rotor_Angle macro now works for Wound Field Motor or any type of motors with coil conductors at the rotor. Rotor currents are now correctly used to compute the rotor contribution to the magnetic flux density.

Find_Rotor_Angle_Skew now works with every type of skewing that have been developed in Flux:

  • Continuous or Step Skewing
  • Simple or Advanced type of definition
  • Skewing of the rotating or fixed part

Updated/New examples


FluxMotor Tutorial : Overview

This tutorial is about showing how FluxMotor software can be used as a starting point to run first performance analysis and choose the correct topology and physic parameters for your electric motor:

This tutorial gives an overview of the basic FluxMotor workflow from geometry creation to performance analysis of your motor. This covers the steps you would follow to realize pre-design steps of an electrical machine with given specifications.

Note: For more information, here.

FluxMotor Tutorial : "Parametrized Part Creation" and "Unparametrized Part Creation"

There are two tutorials that explains how to create the excel file that can be imported in FluxMotor to analyze your geometry.

One tutorial is about using Flux software and its macros to create a rotor and stator part starting from either a CAD file or a Flux project. The other one takes a part excel file and shows how to modify it in order to have a parametrized part which geometry parameters can be modified in Motor Factory.

Note: For more information, click here.

New "Flux in SimLab" Examples

New Tutorials are planed for SimLab 2024 release. Each tutorial has a dedicated Altair Community page where the user could find a Summary of the tutorial and the file to download. Some Tutorials could be still in progress. The dedicated Altair community page will be updated as soon as possible.

Note: Several tutorials are also available on SimLab Learning Center.
Description illustration

Skew Transient Magnetic - PMSM with a step-skewed rotor

The studied device, a permanent magnet synchronous motor (PMSM) presented in the figure in the right, includes the following elements:

  • a fixed part (stator) including yoke, slots, and windings
  • an air gap
  • a step-skewed rotational part (rotor) with embedded magnets

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Skew Transient Magnetic - PMSM with a continuous-skewed stator

The studied device, a permanent magnet synchronous motor (PMSM) presented in the figure in the right, includes the following elements:

  • a continuous-skewed fixed part (stator) including yoke, slots, and windings
  • an air gap
  • a rotational part (rotor) with embedded magnets

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2D Transient Magnetic - Wound Field Rotor Motor
The studied device, a wound field synchronous motor, is running in motor mode. As presented in the figure below, it includes the following elements:
  • a fixed part (stator) including yoke, slots, and windings
  • an air gap
  • a movable part (rotor) with wound coils

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3D Magnetic AC - Forced cooling at the end of the heating

The studied device is composed of a mobile billet and a supply inductor. The goal is to simulate a forced cooling process at the end of heating (when the billet is out of the coil).

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Parasitics Extraction - Power Module

The studied device is a power electronic module component. The entire module is assumed to be made of conducting material and the goal is to compute the Z and S parameter.

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Supplied Conductors AC - Busbar

The device studied is a busbar. It is a copper device and the purpose is to calculate the joule losses in the geometry, and the electric current in the RL loads.

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