Convert a 2D magnetic application in a Skewed magnetic application (rotating electrical machines)
The conversion of a Flux project from a 2D magnetic application to the corresponding Skew magnetic application is presented in this page. Since Skew module is dedicated to the analysis of electrical rotating machines, this conversion is intended for motor designers.
Rotating electrical machine designers who start their analysis with an unskewed simulation in Flux 2D, can now profit from this new feature. The command Convert current application → to Skew module transforms the 2D project and the engineers can easily analyze the effect of skewing on the electrical machine performances.
Available conversions
Version 2024 enables users to convert a Flux 2D project to the corresponding specialized skewed applications; it means that this feature is available for all 2D magnetic applications (Magneto Static, Steady State AC and Transient Magnetic).
How to convert the current application
Conversions to Flux Skew are available while in pre-processing and after defining a first application in Flux 2D.
To perform such a conversion in a Flux 2D project the user can do the following:
Firstly, access the corresponding command through the menu Application → Convert current application → to Skew module.

At this point, a dialog box appears and prompts the user to provide additional information required to complete the conversion. The user must enter a name for the converted project in the Save converted project as field and to decide if, after the conversion, the new skewed project will launch automatically by selecting yes or no from the drop-down menu Open Flux Skew after conversion.

After the conversion process has been completed, the user is advised to:
- Verify in the Flux 2D's project console output for a summary of the actions that were automatically performed and so identify the entities that eventually have been deactivated or modified (refer to sections Conversion rules and Limitations). In that way, the user can make the necessary modifications in the generated Skew project to recreate or redefine the involved entities.
- In the resulting Skew project:
- Review the definition of regions, materials and circuits;
- Execute the Check physics and the Check circuit commands (available in the Physics menu) for making the required changes to fix possible warnings and errors;
- Open the Edit current application dialog box to define the
skewing topology. In fact, by default the following options are set:
- Skewed mechanical set: Rotating
- Skewing type: Continuous
- Topology description: Simple (homogeneous layers)
- Length unit and axial length: equal to the "Length unit" and the "Depth of the domain" set in the original 2D project, respectively
- Rotation angle (degrees): 0
- Number of layers along the axial length: 1
Conversion rules
- A project must be saved, before the command to Skew module can be used.
- To be convertible, the Flux 2D project must contain two mechanical set entities: one of type Rotation around one axis and the other of type Fixed.
- Regions with current density are not supported in Skew module. The default option Air or vacuum region is then selected in the Type for region field in case such regions existed in the original 2D project.
- Certain features become deactivated in the converted Flux Skew project:
- The option Taking into account demagnetization during solving process of magnet materials of type Nonlinear magnet described by Hc and Br module.
- The Mechanical Stress dependence option in Laminated magnetic non conducting regions.
- The Detailed description (considers proximity and skin effects) option for the evaluation of Joule losses in Coil conductor regions.
- It is not possible to convert from Flux 2D to Flux Skew and also change the application at the same time. If this is required, an application change must also be performed in Flux Skew after the module conversion is completed.
- The conversion of axisymmetric Flux 2D projects is forbidden.
- The following entities can not be converted and are deleted in the resulting
Flux Skew project:
- Symmetries
- Sensors
- Scenarios
- Paths
- Grids