Discrete Loads

Load a wire port, microstrip port, FEM line port, general networks and a transmission line with a discrete load such as a complex impedance, series circuit or parallel circuit.

Note: If multiple loads or sources are applied to the same port, they are placed in series.

Complex Impedance

A frequency-independent load consisting of a constant real and imaginary part. This load type can be applied to wire, edge, network or transmission-line ports.

Series Circuit

A frequency-dependent load consisting of a series-connected resistor (R), capacitor (C) and inductor (L). This load can only be applied to a wire port and an edge port. The load impedance is given by

Z s = R + j ω L + 1 j ω C

Parallel Circuit

A frequency-dependent load consisting of a resistor (R), a capacitor (C) and inductor (L) connected in parallel. This load can only be applied to a wire port and an edge port. The load impedance is given by

Z p = 1 1 R + 1 j ω L + j ω C

where the resistance or inductance is taken as infinite when set to 0 (it does not contribute to the impedance).
Note: For the parallel circuit the circuit elements are connected in parallel inside the circuit, but the circuit itself is connected in series with the source.