Geometry (CAD) Formats for Import

View the supported geometry formats that can be imported into CADFEKO and the supported versions.

CADFEKO is based on the Parasolid solid modelling kernel that allows models to be imported and exported from and to the native Parasolid format without any translation.

Since all imported CAD models are converted to a Parasolid format during the import process, importing from other CAD formats may cause unexpected results. Differences in the internal representation used by various CAD formats may cause adjoining surfaces not to line up correctly. This discrepancy is due to tolerance differences. Models that use a numerical representation can cause faults during scaling.

The following geometry (CAD) formats are supported for import:
Formats File Format Supported Versions
ACIS .sat R1 – 2022 1.0
AutoCAD .dxf 2.5 – 2023
CATIA V4 .model, .session, .exp 4.1.9 to 4.2.4
CATIA V5 .CATPart, .CATProduct, .CATShape V5 R8 to V5–6 R2022
IGES .iges, .igs Up to 5.3
Parasolid .x_t, .x_b, .xmt_txt 9.0 - 36.1.212
Pro / Engineer .prt, .asm 16 to Creo 9.0
STEP .step, .stp AP203, AP214, AP242
Unigraphics and NX .prt 11 - NX 2206


Supported entities are:
  • 3D face
  • Arc
  • Circle
  • Ellipse
  • Line
  • Polyline
  • Polyface mesh (3D)
Unsupported entities are:
  • Point
  • Spline
  • 3D Solid
  • Trace
  • Dimensional annotations


Isolated vertices (acorns) are not imported.1 The coordinates are written to the message window and can be created manually should they be required.

1 These are not the same as named points.