Parabolic Arc

Create a parabolic arc to be used either a building block for constructing geometry or as free-standing wires.

Parabolic arcs are often used in conjunction with the spin operator to create parabolic dishes for reflector antennas.

On the Construct tab, in the Create Arc group, click the  Parabolic Arc icon.
Tip: Press A,2 to use the shortcut key.

Method 1: Base centre, focal depth, radius

Base centre (C) The centre of the parabola on which the arc lies.
Focal depth (F) The focal depth of the parabola.
Radius (R) The radius of the aperture of the parabolic arc.

Method 2: Base centre, radius, depth

Base centre (C) The centre of the parabola on which the arc lies.
Radius (R) The radius of the aperture of the parabolic arc.
Depth (D) The distance from the apex of the parabola to the centre of the aperture.

Method 3: Aperture centre, radius, depth

Aperture centre (C) The aperture centre of the parabolic arc section.
Radius (R) The radius of the aperture of the parabolic arc.
Depth (D) The distance from the apex of the parabola to the centre of the aperture.