To use a National Instruments or Measurement Computing board
1. Download and install the hardware driver from the vendor’s website.
2. During the Embed installation, you must:
• Under Select Modules, activate Real-Time Analog/Digital I/O.
• Under Select Analog/Digital I/O Vendor, activate the appropriate driver options.
Note: If you did not install the National Instruments NIDAQmx driver from the vendor website, but you did activate the National Instruments NIDAQmx driver option in under Select Analog/Digital I/O Vendor, you will see Error 126 about a missing National Instruments DLL each time you start Embed.
If you want to use an NIDAQmx block, you must install the hardware driver from the National Instruments website; you do not, however, have to re-install Embed. If, on the other hand, you are not ready to use a NIDAQmx block and do not want to see this error message each time you start Embed, go to Edit > Preferences > Addons and delete NATINST.DLL and/or NATINSTMX.DLL.