PWM-Dual Phase

Category: Toolbox > eDrives > eMotors (Legacy) > Other Tools > PWM


      carrier freq: Indicates the base frequency of modulation carrier.

      modulation: Indicates the percentage of carrier frequency cycle in which pulse is active (high) from 0 – 100%.

      deadtime: Sets a symmetric deadtime between the A and B PWM phases.

Description: The PWM-Dual Phase block provides a 2-phase pulse width modulated signal based on carrier frequency and modulation percent. Modulation is created using the triangular wave – threshold comparator technique.


Diagram name: PWM Dual Phase

Location: Examples > eDrives > eMotors (Legacy) > Brush DC

The following example illustrates how the 2-phase PWM can be used to control bi-directional velocity in a closed loop. The two PWM phases are fed to an H bridge power amplifier with voltage rails at ± 28 V. Modulation is biased at 50% from the output of a PI controller limited to ± 50% to prevent windup in the control. An encoder with rate estimation is used for feedback.