Knowledge Studio Scoring

Block Category: Extensions

Inputs: The inputs are dependent on the Data Config file. This file specifies the number of inputs and input labels.  

Outputs: Standard set of outputs, which can include:

      inferencetime (ms): The time taken for each input to be predicted or to calculate its probabilities.

      predictions/probabilities: Matrix output based on the number of predictions. The final sum of the output should be equal to 1 to verify the algorithm that creates the decision tree is working.

      treeNodeID: The node in which the predicted output is present.

      treeNodeNumber: The branch of the node in which the predicted output is present.

      treeNodeWeight: The weight to which tree node input belongs. The weight is used to verify that the algorithm that creates the decision tree is working.

Description: The Knowledge Studio Scoring block uses the specified C file and accompanying Data Config file to generate a DLL that can simulate the response of the decision tree. To generate the DLL, click Create DLL in the Properties dialog, then click OK.

Data Config File: Specifies the path to the data configuration file (CVS or TXT), or click to select it.  

KS Generated C: Specifies the path to the C file generated by Knowledge Studio, or click to select it.