Hall Sensor-F28069M

Category: Toolbox > eDrives > Sensors

Description: The Hall Sensor-F28069M block is used to measure rotor position. It senses the three hall signals from GPIO input blocks and converts them to stationary coordinates %FontSize=10
\end{document} using Clarke and Park transforms. It functions as an a very low resolution encoder. The %FontSize=10
\end{document} variables can be used as FOC angle inputs cos(theta) and sin(theta) directly, where theta is the measured rotor shaft angle. This encoder is typically used for the control  of BLDC motors.

Graphical user interface, application

Description automatically generated

Hall Offset: Shifts the phase of signals in %FontSize=10
\end{document} reference frame as needed to align the  %FontSize=10
\end{document} variables with the PM flux vector.