Using ESP8266WiFi Config

The ESP8266WiFi Config block lets you configure the ESP8266 module on your Arduino device.

Note: This component is provided by a third party and is subject to third party license terms. Please see the notices subfolder in the install directory for further details.

ESP WiFi Shield Configure

SSID: Specifies the available WiFi name.

Password: Specifies the WiFi security password.

ESP RX Pin -> Arduino: Specifies the pin that connects to the Arduino digital pin 3.

ESP TX Pin -> Arduino: Specifies the pin that connects to the Arduino digital pin 2.

Enable Serial Debug: When activated, displays the debug messages on the serial terminal (serial config 9600, 8, 1, 0, 0).

MQTT Client Configure

Edit MQTT Default Config: When activated, you can edit the default MQTT Client Configuration settings.

MQTT Max Packet Size: Specifies the maximum packet size. The default is 256.

MQTT Keep Alive Seconds: Specifies the keep alive period. That is, how often the client sends a PING message to the broker. The default time interval is 15 sec.

MQTT Socket Time Out Seconds: Lets you set the timeout manually. The default timeout is 15 sec.