Add/Edit Squeeze Pins

Create and edit squeeze pins.

  1. Click the Casting tab.
  2. Click the Components icon.

  3. Click the Squeeze Pin icon.

    Then select a point on the model.
    A squeeze pin is created.
  4. Use the microdialog options to adjust the size and position of the squeeze pin, and change its activation time.

  5. Right-click and mouse through the check mark to exit, or double-right-click.
To edit a squeeze pin, click the Squeeze Pin icon, and then select the squeeze pin you want to edit.

Microdialog Options

Adjust the size and position of the part of the squeeze pin that will penetrate the liquid and define its activation time.

Option Description

Click to move the squeeze pin.
Activation Time Enter the time the squeeze pin will activate, in seconds from the start of the solidification phase.
Radius Change the squeeze pin's radius.
Height Change the squeeze pin's height.
Volume Change the squeeze pin's volume.