
class Overview "Overview"
    extends Modelica.Icons.Information;

    annotation (
        DocumentationClass = true,
        Documentation(info = "<html>\n\n<p>\nThis package contains components to model <strong>1-dimensional rotational\nmechanical</strong> systems, including different types of gearboxes,\nshafts with inertia, external torques, spring/damper elements,\nfrictional elements, backlash, elements to measure angle, angular velocity,\nangular acceleration and the cut-torque of a flange. In sublibrary\n<strong>Examples</strong> several examples are present to demonstrate the usage of\nthe elements. Just open the corresponding example model and simulate\nthe model according to the provided description.\n</p>\n<p>\nA unique feature of this library is the <strong>component-oriented</strong>\nmodeling of <strong>Coulomb friction</strong> elements, such as friction in bearings,\nclutches, brakes, and gear efficiency. Even (dynamically) coupled\nfriction elements, e.g., as in automatic gearboxes, can be handled\n<strong>without</strong> introducing stiffness which leads to fast simulations.\nThe underlying theory is new and is based on the solution of mixed\ncontinuous/discrete systems of equations, i.e., equations where the\n<strong>unknowns</strong> are of type <strong>Real</strong>, <strong>Integer</strong> or <strong>Boolean</strong>.\nProvided appropriate numerical algorithms for the solution of such types of\nsystems are available in the simulation tool, the simulation of\n(dynamically) coupled friction elements of this library is\n<strong>efficient</strong> and <strong>reliable</strong>.\n</p>\n\n<p>\n<img src=\"modelica://Modelica/Resources/Images/Mechanics/Rotational/drive1.png\" alt=\"drive1\">\n</p>\n\n<p>\nA simple example of the usage of this library is given in the\nfigure above. This drive consists of a shaft with inertia J1=0.2 which\nis connected via an ideal gearbox with gear ratio=5 to a second shaft\nwith inertia J2=5. The left shaft is driven via an external,\nsinusoidal torque.\nThe <strong>filled</strong> and <strong>non-filled grey squares</strong> at the left and\nright side of a component represent <strong>mechanical flanges</strong>.\nDrawing a line between such squares means that the corresponding\nflanges are <strong>rigidly attached</strong> to each other.\nBy convention in this library, the connector characterized as a\n<strong>filled</strong> grey square is called <strong>flange_a</strong> and placed at the\nleft side of the component in the \"design view\" and the connector\ncharacterized as a <strong>non-filled</strong> grey square is called <strong>flange_b</strong>\nand placed at the right side of the component in the \"design view\".\nThe two connectors are completely <strong>identical</strong>, with the only\nexception that the graphical layout is a little bit different in order\nto distinguish them for easier access of the connector variables.\nFor example, <code>J1.flange_a.tau</code> is the cut-torque in the connector\n<code>flange_a</code> of component <code>J1</code>.\n</p>\n<p>\nThe components of this\nlibrary can be <strong>connected</strong> together in an <strong>arbitrary</strong> way. E.g., it is\npossible to connect two springs or two shafts with inertia directly\ntogether, see figure below.\n</p>\n\n<p>\n<img src=\"modelica://Modelica/Resources/Images/Mechanics/Rotational/driveConnections1.png\" alt=\"driveConnections1\"><br>\n<img src=\"modelica://Modelica/Resources/Images/Mechanics/Rotational/driveConnections2.png\" alt=\"driveConnections2\">\n</p>\n\n</html>"));
end Overview;