
model Move "Forced movement of a flange according to an angle, speed and angular acceleration signal"
    extends Modelica.Mechanics.Rotational.Interfaces.PartialElementaryOneFlangeAndSupport2;

    Modelica.SIunits.Angle phi "Rotation angle of flange with respect to support";
    Modelica.Blocks.Interfaces.RealInput u[3] "Angle, angular velocity and angular acceleration of flange with respect to support as input signals"
        annotation (Placement(transformation(extent = {
            {-140, -20}, 
            {-100, 20}})));
    function position
        extends Modelica.Icons.Function;

        input Real q_qd_qdd[3] "Required values for position, speed, acceleration";
        input Real dummy "Just to have one input signal that should be differentiated to avoid possible problems in the Modelica tool (is not used)";
        output Real q;
        q := q_qd_qdd[1];

        annotation (
            derivative(noDerivative = q_qd_qdd) = position_der,
            LateInline = true);
    end position;

    function position_der
        extends Modelica.Icons.Function;

        input Real q_qd_qdd[3] "Required values for position, speed, acceleration";
        input Real dummy "Just to have one input signal that should be differentiated to avoid possible problems in the Modelica tool (is not used)";
        input Real dummy_der;
        output Real qd;
        qd := q_qd_qdd[2];

        annotation (
                noDerivative = q_qd_qdd,
                order = 2) = position_der2,
            LateInline = true);
    end position_der;

    function position_der2
        extends Modelica.Icons.Function;

        input Real q_qd_qdd[3] "Required values for position, speed, acceleration";
        input Real dummy "Just to have one input signal that should be differentiated to avoid possible problems in the Modelica tool (is not used)";
        input Real dummy_der;
        input Real dummy_der2;
        output Real qdd;
        qdd := q_qd_qdd[3];
    end position_der2;
    phi = flange.phi - phi_support;
    phi = position(u, time);

    annotation (
        Documentation(info = "<html>\n<p>\nFlange <strong>flange</strong> is <strong>forced</strong> to move relative to flange support with a predefined motion\naccording to the input signals:\n</p>\n<pre>\n    u[1]: angle of flange\n    u[2]: angular velocity of flange\n    u[3]: angular acceleration of flange\n</pre>\n<p>\nThe user has to guarantee that the input signals are consistent to each other,\ni.e., that u[2] is the derivative of u[1] and that\nu[3] is the derivative of u[2]. There are, however,\nalso applications where by purpose these conditions do not hold. For example,\nif only the position dependent terms of a mechanical system shall be\ncalculated, one may provide angle = angle(t) and set the angular velocity\nand the angular acceleration to zero.\n</p>\n<p>\nThe input signals can be provided from one of the signal generator\nblocks of the block library Modelica.Blocks.Sources.\n</p>\n</html>"),
                preserveAspectRatio = true,
                extent = {
                    {-100, -100}, 
                    {100, 100}}),
            graphics = {
                    lineColor = {64, 64, 64},
                    fillColor = {192, 192, 192},
                    fillPattern = FillPattern.HorizontalCylinder,
                    extent = {
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                        {100, 20}}), 
                Line(points = {
                    {-30, -32}, 
                    {30, -32}}), 
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                    {0, 52}, 
                    {0, 32}}), 
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                    {-29, 32}, 
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                Line(points = {
                    {0, -32}, 
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                    textString = "phi,w,a")}));
end Move;