
class Literature "Literature"
    extends Modelica.Icons.References;

    annotation (Documentation(info = "<html>\n<ul>\n<li>Technical details of this library are described in the paper:\n<dl>\n<dt>Otter M., Elmqvist H., and Mattsson S.E.:</dt>\n<dd> <strong>The New Modelica MultiBody Library</strong>.\n     Modelica 2003 Conference, Link&ouml;ping, Sweden,\n     pp. 311-330, Nov. 3-4, 2003.\n     Download from:\n     <a href=\"\"></a>\n     </dd>\n</dl>\n</li>\n<li>The method how to describe drive trains with 1-dimensional mechanics\nand to mount them on 3-dimensional components without neglecting\ndynamical effects is described in:\n<dl>\n<dt>Schweiger C., and Otter M.:</dt>\n<dd> <strong>Modelling 3-dim. Mechanical Effects of 1-dim. Powertrains</strong>.\n     Modelica 2003 Conference, Link&ouml;ping, Sweden,\n     pp. 149-158, Nov. 3-4, 2003.\n     Download from:\n<a href=\"\"></a>\n     </dd>\n</dl>\n</li>\n<li> The method to solve a certain class of kinematic loops\n     analytically is based on:\n<dl>\n<dt>Woernle C.:</dt>\n<dd><strong>Ein systematisches Verfahren zur Aufstellung der geometrischen\n    Schliessbedingungen in kinematischen Schleifen mit Anwendung\n    bei der R&uuml;ckw&auml;rtstransformation f&uuml;r\n    Industrieroboter.</strong><br>\n    Fortschritt-Berichte VDI, Reihe 18, Nr. 59, Duesseldorf: VDI-Verlag 1988,\n    ISBN 3-18-145918-6.<br>&nbsp;</dd>\n<dt>Hiller M., and Woernle C.:</dt>\n<dd><strong>A Systematic Approach for Solving the Inverse Kinematic\n    Problem of Robot Manipulators</strong>.<br>\n    Proceedings 7th World Congress Th. Mach. Mech., Sevilla 1987. </dd>\n</dl>\n</li>\n</ul>\n</html>"));
end Literature;