
model BodyShape "Rigid body with mass, inertia tensor, different shapes for animation, and two frame connectors (12 potential states)"
    import Modelica.Mechanics.MultiBody.Types;
    import Modelica.SIunits.Conversions.to_unit1;

    Interfaces.Frame_a frame_a "Coordinate system fixed to the component with one cut-force and cut-torque"
        annotation (Placement(transformation(extent = {
            {-116, -16}, 
            {-84, 16}})));
    Interfaces.Frame_b frame_b "Coordinate system fixed to the component with one cut-force and cut-torque"
        annotation (Placement(transformation(extent = {
            {84, -16}, 
            {116, 16}})));
    parameter Boolean animation = true "= true, if animation shall be enabled (show shape between frame_a and frame_b and optionally a sphere at the center of mass)";
    parameter Boolean animateSphere = true "= true, if mass shall be animated as sphere provided animation=true";
    parameter SI.Position r[3](start = {0, 0, 0}) "Vector from frame_a to frame_b resolved in frame_a";
    parameter SI.Position r_CM[3](start = {0, 0, 0}) "Vector from frame_a to center of mass, resolved in frame_a";
    parameter SI.Mass m(min = 0, start = 1) "Mass of rigid body";
    parameter SI.Inertia I_11(min = 0) = 0.001 "(1,1) element of inertia tensor"
        annotation (Dialog(group = "Inertia tensor (resolved in center of mass, parallel to frame_a)"));
    parameter SI.Inertia I_22(min = 0) = 0.001 "(2,2) element of inertia tensor"
        annotation (Dialog(group = "Inertia tensor (resolved in center of mass, parallel to frame_a)"));
    parameter SI.Inertia I_33(min = 0) = 0.001 "(3,3) element of inertia tensor"
        annotation (Dialog(group = "Inertia tensor (resolved in center of mass, parallel to frame_a)"));
    parameter SI.Inertia I_21(min = -C.inf) = 0 "(2,1) element of inertia tensor"
        annotation (Dialog(group = "Inertia tensor (resolved in center of mass, parallel to frame_a)"));
    parameter SI.Inertia I_31(min = -C.inf) = 0 "(3,1) element of inertia tensor"
        annotation (Dialog(group = "Inertia tensor (resolved in center of mass, parallel to frame_a)"));
    parameter SI.Inertia I_32(min = -C.inf) = 0 "(3,2) element of inertia tensor"
        annotation (Dialog(group = "Inertia tensor (resolved in center of mass, parallel to frame_a)"));
    SI.Position r_0[3](start = {0, 0, 0}, each stateSelect = if enforceStates then StateSelect.always else StateSelect.avoid) "Position vector from origin of world frame to origin of frame_a"
        annotation (Dialog(
            tab = "Initialization",
            showStartAttribute = true));
    SI.Velocity v_0[3](start = {0, 0, 0}, each stateSelect = if enforceStates then StateSelect.always else StateSelect.avoid) "Absolute velocity of frame_a, resolved in world frame (= der(r_0))"
        annotation (Dialog(
            tab = "Initialization",
            showStartAttribute = true));
    SI.Acceleration a_0[3](start = {0, 0, 0}) "Absolute acceleration of frame_a resolved in world frame (= der(v_0))"
        annotation (Dialog(
            tab = "Initialization",
            showStartAttribute = true));
    parameter Boolean angles_fixed = false "= true, if angles_start are used as initial values, else as guess values"
        annotation (
            Evaluate = true,
            choices(checkBox = true),
            Dialog(tab = "Initialization"));
    parameter SI.Angle angles_start[3] = {0, 0, 0} "Initial values of angles to rotate frame_a around 'sequence_start' axes into frame_b"
        annotation (Dialog(tab = "Initialization"));
    parameter Types.RotationSequence sequence_start = {1, 2, 3} "Sequence of rotations to rotate frame_a into frame_b at initial time"
        annotation (
            Evaluate = true,
            Dialog(tab = "Initialization"));
    parameter Boolean w_0_fixed = false "= true, if w_0_start are used as initial values, else as guess values"
        annotation (
            Evaluate = true,
            choices(checkBox = true),
            Dialog(tab = "Initialization"));
    parameter SI.AngularVelocity w_0_start[3] = {0, 0, 0} "Initial or guess values of angular velocity of frame_a resolved in world frame"
        annotation (Dialog(tab = "Initialization"));
    parameter Boolean z_0_fixed = false "= true, if z_0_start are used as initial values, else as guess values"
        annotation (
            Evaluate = true,
            choices(checkBox = true),
            Dialog(tab = "Initialization"));
    parameter SI.AngularAcceleration z_0_start[3] = {0, 0, 0} "Initial values of angular acceleration z_0 = der(w_0)"
        annotation (Dialog(tab = "Initialization"));
    parameter Types.ShapeType shapeType = "cylinder" "Type of shape"
        annotation (Dialog(
            tab = "Animation",
            group = "if animation = true",
            enable = animation));
    parameter SI.Position r_shape[3] = {0, 0, 0} "Vector from frame_a to shape origin, resolved in frame_a"
        annotation (Dialog(
            tab = "Animation",
            group = "if animation = true",
            enable = animation));
    parameter Types.Axis lengthDirection = to_unit1(r - r_shape) "Vector in length direction of shape, resolved in frame_a"
        annotation (
            Evaluate = true,
                tab = "Animation",
                group = "if animation = true",
                enable = animation));
    parameter Types.Axis widthDirection = {0, 1, 0} "Vector in width direction of shape, resolved in frame_a"
        annotation (
            Evaluate = true,
                tab = "Animation",
                group = "if animation = true",
                enable = animation));
    parameter SI.Length length = Modelica.Math.Vectors.length(r - r_shape) "Length of shape"
        annotation (Dialog(
            tab = "Animation",
            group = "if animation = true",
            enable = animation));
    parameter SI.Distance width = length / world.defaultWidthFraction "Width of shape"
        annotation (Dialog(
            tab = "Animation",
            group = "if animation = true",
            enable = animation));
    parameter SI.Distance height = width "Height of shape"
        annotation (Dialog(
            tab = "Animation",
            group = "if animation = true",
            enable = animation));
    parameter Types.ShapeExtra extra = 0 "Additional parameter depending on shapeType (see docu of Visualizers.Advanced.Shape)"
        annotation (Dialog(
            tab = "Animation",
            group = "if animation = true",
            enable = animation));
    input Types.Color color = Modelica.Mechanics.MultiBody.Types.Defaults.BodyColor "Color of shape"
        annotation (Dialog(
            colorSelector = true,
            tab = "Animation",
            group = "if animation = true",
            enable = animation));
    parameter SI.Diameter sphereDiameter = 2 * width "Diameter of sphere"
        annotation (Dialog(
            tab = "Animation",
            group = "if animation = true and animateSphere = true",
            enable = animation and animateSphere));
    input Types.Color sphereColor = color "Color of sphere of mass"
        annotation (Dialog(
            colorSelector = true,
            tab = "Animation",
            group = "if animation = true and animateSphere = true",
            enable = animation and animateSphere));
    input Types.SpecularCoefficient specularCoefficient = world.defaultSpecularCoefficient "Reflection of ambient light (= 0: light is completely absorbed)"
        annotation (Dialog(
            tab = "Animation",
            group = "if animation = true",
            enable = animation));
    parameter Boolean enforceStates = false "= true, if absolute variables of body object shall be used as states (StateSelect.always)"
        annotation (Dialog(tab = "Advanced"));
    parameter Boolean useQuaternions = true "= true, if quaternions shall be used as potential states otherwise use 3 angles as potential states"
        annotation (Dialog(tab = "Advanced"));
    parameter Types.RotationSequence sequence_angleStates = {1, 2, 3} "Sequence of rotations to rotate world frame into frame_a around the 3 angles used as potential states"
        annotation (
            Evaluate = true,
                tab = "Advanced",
                enable = not useQuaternions));
    FixedTranslation frameTranslation(r = r, animation = false) annotation (Placement(transformation(extent = {
        {-20, -20}, 
        {20, 20}})));
    Body body(r_CM = r_CM, m = m, I_11 = I_11, I_22 = I_22, I_33 = I_33, I_21 = I_21, I_31 = I_31, I_32 = I_32, animation = false, sequence_start = sequence_start, angles_fixed = angles_fixed, angles_start = angles_start, w_0_fixed = w_0_fixed, w_0_start = w_0_start, z_0_fixed = z_0_fixed, z_0_start = z_0_start, useQuaternions = useQuaternions, sequence_angleStates = sequence_angleStates, enforceStates = false) annotation (Placement(transformation(extent = {
        {-27.3333, -70.3333}, 
        {13, -30}})));
    outer Modelica.Mechanics.MultiBody.World world;
    Visualizers.Advanced.Shape shape1(shapeType = shapeType, color = color, specularCoefficient = specularCoefficient, length = length, width = width, height = height, lengthDirection = lengthDirection, widthDirection = widthDirection, r_shape = r_shape, extra = extra, r = frame_a.r_0, R = frame_a.R) if world.enableAnimation and animation;
    Visualizers.Advanced.Shape shape2(shapeType = "sphere", color = sphereColor, specularCoefficient = specularCoefficient, length = sphereDiameter, width = sphereDiameter, height = sphereDiameter, lengthDirection = {1, 0, 0}, widthDirection = {0, 1, 0}, r_shape = r_CM - 0.5 * ({1, 0, 0} * sphereDiameter), r = frame_a.r_0, R = frame_a.R) if world.enableAnimation and animation and animateSphere;
    connect(frame_a,body.frame_a) annotation (Line(
        points = {
            {-100, 0}, 
            {-60, 0}, 
            {-60, -50.1666}, 
            {-27.3333, -50.1666}},
        color = {95, 95, 95},
        thickness = 0.5));
    connect(frame_a,frameTranslation.frame_a) annotation (Line(
        points = {
            {-100, 0}, 
            {-20, 0}},
        color = {95, 95, 95},
        thickness = 0.5));
    connect(frame_b,frameTranslation.frame_b) annotation (Line(
        points = {
            {100, 0}, 
            {20, 0}},
        color = {95, 95, 95},
        thickness = 0.5));
    a_0 = der(v_0);
    r_0 = frame_a.r_0;
    v_0 = der(r_0);

    annotation (
        Documentation(info = "<html>\n<p>\n<strong>Rigid body</strong> with mass and inertia tensor and <strong>two frame connectors</strong>.\nAll parameter vectors have to be resolved in frame_a.\nThe <strong>inertia tensor</strong> has to be defined with respect to a\ncoordinate system that is parallel to frame_a with the\norigin at the center of mass of the body. The coordinate system <strong>frame_b</strong>\nis always parallel to <strong>frame_a</strong>.\n</p>\n<p>\nBy default, this component is visualized by any <strong>shape</strong> that can be\ndefined with Modelica.Mechanics.MultiBody.Visualizers.FixedShape. This shape is placed\nbetween frame_a and frame_b (default: length(shape) = Frames.length(r)).\nAdditionally a <strong>sphere</strong> may be visualized that has\nits center at the center of mass.\nNote, that\nthe animation may be switched off via parameter animation = <strong>false</strong>.\n</p>\n<p>\n<img src=\"modelica://Modelica/Resources/Images/Mechanics/MultiBody/BodyShape.png\" alt=\"Parts.BodyShape\">\n</p>\n\n<p>\nThe following shapes can be defined via parameter <strong>shapeType</strong>,\ne.g., shapeType=\"cone\":\n</p>\n\n<p>\n<img src=\"modelica://Modelica/Resources/Images/Mechanics/MultiBody/FixedShape.png\" alt=\"Visualizers.FixedShape\">\n</p>\n\n<p>\nA BodyShape component has potential states. For details of these\nstates and of the \"Advanced\" menu parameters, see model\n<a href=\"modelica://Modelica.Mechanics.MultiBody.Parts.Body\">MultiBody.Parts.Body</a>.\n</p>\n</html>"),
                preserveAspectRatio = true,
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            graphics = {
                    extent = {
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                    extent = {
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                    textString = "r=%r"), 
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                    color = {128, 128, 128})}));
end BodyShape;