
model MultiPhaseElectroMagneticConverter "Multi phase electro magnetic converter"
    import Modelica.Constants.pi;

    constant Complex j = Complex(0, 1);
    Modelica.Electrical.QuasiStationary.MultiPhase.Interfaces.PositivePlug plug_p(final m = m) "Positive plug"
        annotation (Placement(transformation(
            origin = {-100, 100},
            extent = {
                {-10, -10}, 
                {10, 10}},
            rotation = 180)));
    Modelica.Electrical.QuasiStationary.MultiPhase.Interfaces.NegativePlug plug_n(final m = m) "Negative plug"
        annotation (Placement(transformation(
            origin = {-100, -100},
            extent = {
                {-10, -10}, 
                {10, 10}},
            rotation = 180)));
    FundamentalWave.Interfaces.PositiveMagneticPort port_p "Positive complex magnetic port"
        annotation (Placement(transformation(extent = {
            {90, 90}, 
            {110, 110}})));
    FundamentalWave.Interfaces.NegativeMagneticPort port_n "Negative complex magnetic port"
        annotation (Placement(transformation(extent = {
            {90, -110}, 
            {110, -90}})));
    parameter Integer m = 3 "Number of phases";
    parameter Real effectiveTurns "Effective number of turns";
    constant Modelica.SIunits.Angle orientation = 0 "Orientation of the first winding axis";
    Modelica.SIunits.ComplexVoltage v[m] "Complex voltage";
    Modelica.SIunits.Voltage abs_v[m] = Modelica.ComplexMath.'abs'(v) "Magnitude of complex voltage";
    Modelica.SIunits.Angle arg_v[m] = Modelica.ComplexMath.arg(v) "Argument of complex voltage";
    Modelica.SIunits.ComplexCurrent i[m] "Complex current";
    Modelica.SIunits.Current abs_i[m] = Modelica.ComplexMath.'abs'(i) "Magnitude of complex current";
    Modelica.SIunits.Angle arg_i[m] = Modelica.ComplexMath.arg(i) "Argument of complex current";
    Modelica.SIunits.ActivePower P[m] = {Modelica.ComplexMath.real(v[k] * Modelica.ComplexMath.conj(i[k])) for k in 1:m} "Active power";
    Modelica.SIunits.ActivePower P_total = sum(P) "Total active power";
    Modelica.SIunits.ReactivePower Q[m] = {Modelica.ComplexMath.imag(v[k] * Modelica.ComplexMath.conj(i[k])) for k in 1:m} "Reactive power";
    Modelica.SIunits.ReactivePower Q_total = sum(Q) "Total reactive power";
    Modelica.SIunits.ApparentPower S[m] = {Modelica.ComplexMath.'abs'(v[k] * Modelica.ComplexMath.conj(i[k])) for k in 1:m} "Magnitude of complex apparent power";
    Modelica.SIunits.ApparentPower S_total = sqrt(P_total ^ 2 + Q_total ^ 2) "Magnitude of total complex apparent power";
    Real pf[m] = {cos(Modelica.ComplexMath.arg(Complex(P[k], Q[k]))) for k in 1:m} "Power factor";
    Modelica.SIunits.ComplexMagneticPotentialDifference V_m "Complex magnetic potential difference";
    Modelica.SIunits.MagneticPotentialDifference abs_V_m = Modelica.ComplexMath.'abs'(V_m) "Magnitude of complex magnetic potential difference";
    Modelica.SIunits.Angle arg_V_m = Modelica.ComplexMath.arg(V_m) "Argument of complex magnetic potential difference";
    Modelica.SIunits.ComplexMagneticFlux Phi "Complex magnetic flux";
    Modelica.SIunits.MagneticPotentialDifference abs_Phi = Modelica.ComplexMath.'abs'(Phi) "Magnitude of complex magnetic flux";
    Modelica.SIunits.Angle arg_Phi = Modelica.ComplexMath.arg(Phi) "Argument of complex magnetic flux";
    Modelica.SIunits.AngularVelocity omega = der(port_p.reference.gamma);
    final parameter Complex N = effectiveTurns * Modelica.ComplexMath.exp(Complex(0, orientation)) "Complex effective number of turns";
    Modelica.SIunits.ComplexVoltage vSymmetricalComponent[m] "Symmetrical components of voltages";
    Modelica.SIunits.ComplexCurrent iSymmetricalComponent[m] "Symmetrical components of currents";
    final parameter Complex sTM[m,m] = Modelica.Electrical.MultiPhase.Functions.symmetricTransformationMatrix(m);
    final parameter Integer indexNonPos[:] = Electrical.MultiPhase.Functions.indexNonPositiveSequence(m) "Indices of all non positive sequence components";
    final parameter Integer indexPos[:] = Electrical.MultiPhase.Functions.indexPositiveSequence(m) "Indices of all positive sequence components";
    for j in 1:m loop
        vSymmetricalComponent[j] = Complex(sum({sTM[j,k].re * v[k].re - sTM[j,k].im * v[k].im for k in 1:m}), sum({sTM[j,k].re * v[k].im + sTM[j,k].im * v[k].re for k in 1:m}));
        iSymmetricalComponent[j] = Complex(sum({sTM[j,k].re * i[k].re - sTM[j,k].im * i[k].im for k in 1:m}), sum({sTM[j,k].re * i[k].im + sTM[j,k].im * i[k].re for k in 1:m}));
    end for;
    for k in 1:size(indexNonPos, 1) loop
        iSymmetricalComponent[indexNonPos[k]] = Complex(0, 0);
    end for;
    for k in 2:size(indexPos, 1) loop
        vSymmetricalComponent[indexPos[1]] = vSymmetricalComponent[indexPos[k]];
    end for;
    Connections.branch(plug_p.reference, plug_n.reference);
    Connections.branch(plug_p.reference, port_p.reference);
    Connections.branch(port_p.reference, port_n.reference);
    port_p.Phi + port_n.Phi = Complex(0, 0); + = {Complex(0, 0) for k in 1:m};
    i =;
    v = -; = 0.5 * (sqrt(2) * (2 / pi) * Modelica.ComplexMath.imag(N * iSymmetricalComponent[1]) * m); = 0.5 * (sqrt(2) * (2 / pi) * Modelica.ComplexMath.real(N * iSymmetricalComponent[1]) * m);
    port_p.Phi = Phi;
    plug_p.reference.gamma = plug_n.reference.gamma;
    plug_p.reference.gamma = port_p.reference.gamma;
    port_p.reference.gamma = port_n.reference.gamma;
    -sqrt(2) * Complex(Modelica.ComplexMath.real(vSymmetricalComponent[indexPos[1]]), Modelica.ComplexMath.imag(vSymmetricalComponent[indexPos[1]])) = Modelica.ComplexMath.conj(N) * j * omega * Phi;
    port_p.V_m - port_n.V_m = V_m;

    annotation (
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                    {100, 100}}),
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        Documentation(info = "<html>\n\n<p>\nEach phase <img src=\"modelica://Modelica/Resources/Images/Magnetic/FundamentalWave/k.png\"> of an <img src=\"modelica://Modelica/Resources/Images/Magnetic/FundamentalWave/m.png\"> phase winding has an effective number of turns, <img src=\"modelica://Modelica/Resources/Images/Magnetic/FundamentalWave/effectiveTurns_k.png\"> and an respective winging angle <img src=\"modelica://Modelica/Resources/Images/Magnetic/FundamentalWave/orientation_k.png\"> and a phase current <img src=\"modelica://Modelica/Resources/Images/Magnetic/FundamentalWave/i_k.png\">.\n</p>\n\n<p>\nThe total complex magnetic potential difference of the multi phase winding is determined by:\n</p>\n\n<p>\n&nbsp;&nbsp;<img src=\"modelica://Modelica/Resources/Images/Magnetic/QuasiStatic/FundamentalWave/Components/multiphaseconverter_vm.png\">\n</p>\n\n<p>\nIn this equation\n<img src=\"modelica://Modelica/Resources/Images/Magnetic/QuasiStatic/FundamentalWave/i_sc1.png\">\nis the positive symmetrical component of the currents.\n</p>\n\n<p>\nThe positive sequence of the voltages\n<img src=\"modelica://Modelica/Resources/Images/Magnetic/QuasiStatic/FundamentalWave/v_sc1.png\">\ninduced in each winding is directly proportional to the complex magnetic flux and the number of turns. This relationship can be modeled by means of</p>\n\n<p>\n&nbsp;&nbsp;<img src=\"modelica://Modelica/Resources/Images/Magnetic/QuasiStatic/FundamentalWave/Components/multiphaseconverter_phi.png\">.\n</p>\n\n<h4>See also</h4>\n<p>\n<a href=\"modelica://Modelica.Magnetic.FundamentalWave.Components.SinglePhaseElectroMagneticConverter\">\nModelica.Magnetic.FundamentalWave.Components.SinglePhaseElectroMagneticConverter</a>,\n<a href=\"modelica://Modelica.Magnetic.FundamentalWave.Components.MultiPhaseElectroMagneticConverter\">\nModelica.Magnetic.FundamentalWave.Components.MultiPhaseElectroMagneticConverter</a>,\n<a href=\"modelica://Modelica.Magnetic.QuasiStatic.FundamentalWave.Components.QuasiStaticAnalogElectroMagneticConverter\">\nQuasiStaticAnalogElectroMagneticConverter</a>\n</p>\n</html>"));
end MultiPhaseElectroMagneticConverter;