
model LeakageWithCoefficient "Leakage reluctance with respect to the reluctance of a useful flux path (not for dynamic simulation of actuators)"
    extends FluxTubes.Interfaces.PartialLeakage;

    parameter SI.CouplingCoefficient c_usefulFlux = 0.7 "Ratio useful flux/(leakage flux + useful flux) = useful flux/total flux";
    input SI.Reluctance R_mUsefulTot "Total reluctance of useful flux path as reference"
        annotation (Dialog(
            group = "Reference reluctance",
            groupImage = "modelica://Modelica/Resources/Images/Magnetic/FluxTubes/Basic/LeakageWithCoefficient.png"));
    (1 - c_usefulFlux) * R_m = c_usefulFlux * R_mUsefulTot;

    annotation (Documentation(info = "<html>\n<p>\nDifferently from the flux tube elements of package <a href=\"modelica://Modelica.Magnetic.QuasiStatic.FluxTubes.Shapes.Leakage\">Shapes.Leakage</a>\nthat are calculated from their geometry, this leakage reluctance is calculated with reference to the total reluctance of a useful flux path. Parameter <code>c_usefulFlux</code> is the ratio of the useful flux over the total flux.\n</p>\n</html>"));
end LeakageWithCoefficient;