
model GenericHystPreisachEverett "Generic flux tube with ferromagnetic hysteresis based on the Preisach model and the Everett function [Ya89])"
    import Modelica.Constants.pi;

    parameter FluxTubes.Material.HysteresisEverettParameter.BaseData mat = FluxTubes.Material.HysteresisEverettParameter.BaseData() "Preisach Parameters"
        annotation (
            Dialog(group = "Material"),
            choicesAllMatching = true);
    parameter Integer Count = 100 "Length of history array"
        annotation (Dialog(group = "Advanced"));
    parameter SI.MagneticFieldStrength eps = 1e-5 "Tolerance in Preisach history"
        annotation (Dialog(group = "Advanced"));
    parameter SI.Time t1 = 1e-6 "Initialization time"
        annotation (Dialog(group = "Advanced"));

    extends Interfaces.PartialGenericHysteresis(sigma = mat.sigma);

    final parameter Real mu0 = mat.K * Modelica.Constants.mue_0;
    SI.MagneticFluxDensity J "Polarisation";
    SI.MagneticFieldStrength hmax(start = 0, min = 0) "maximum value of h";
    SI.MagneticFieldStrength alpha "Current alpha coordinate of Everett-Function everett(alpha,beta)";
    SI.MagneticFieldStrength beta "Current beta coordinate of Everett-Function everett(alpha,beta)";
    Boolean asc(start = true, fixed = true) "=asc without chatter";
    Boolean asc2 "Hstat is ascending der(Hstat)>0";
    Boolean delAsc(start = false) "wipeout history vertex at ascending Hstat";
    Boolean delDesc(start = false) "wipeout history vertex at descending Hstat";
    Boolean del(start = false) "delAsc or delDesc";
    Boolean init(start = false, fixed = true) "If init=1 then J runs on the initial magnetization curve";
    Boolean evInit(start = false) "Event init=0 -> init=1";
    Boolean evAsc(start = false) "Event asc=0 -> asc=1";
    Boolean evDesc(start = false) "Event asc=1 -> asc=0";
    SI.MagneticFieldStrength aSav[Count] "1xCount array of alpha history (vertices on Preisach Plane)";
    SI.MagneticFieldStrength bSav[Count] "1xCount array of beta history (vertices on Preisach Plane)";
    SI.MagneticFluxDensity E "Everett function";
    SI.MagneticFieldStrength H1 "Term for computing the Everett function";
    SI.MagneticFieldStrength H2 "Term for computing the Everett function";
    SI.MagneticFieldStrength H3 "Term for computing the Everett function";
    SI.MagneticFieldStrength H4 "Term for computing the Everett function";
    constant SI.MagneticFluxDensity unitT = 1;
    Real v(start = 0, fixed = true, final unit = "1");
    Boolean init2(start = false, fixed = true);
    Boolean init3;
    SI.MagneticFieldStrength x(start = 0) "Variable for initialization of the Preisach model";
    discrete Real aSavI(start = 0, fixed = true);
    discrete Real bSavI(start = 0, fixed = true);
    discrete Real bI(start = 0, fixed = true);
    discrete Real hmaxI(start = 0, fixed = true);
initial equation
    J = 0.5 * (FluxTubes.Utilities.everett(H, -mat.Hsat, mat, false) * (1 - MagRel) - FluxTubes.Utilities.everett(mat.Hsat, H, mat, false) * (1 + MagRel) + FluxTubes.Utilities.everett(mat.Hsat, -mat.Hsat, mat, false) * MagRel);
    J = FluxTubes.Utilities.initPreisach(x, H, mat);
    aSav = fill(mat.Hsat, Count);
    bSav = fill(-mat.Hsat, Count);
    beta = alpha;
    hmax = mat.Hsat;
    when init3 or change(asc) and pre(init) then 
        hmax = if init3 then hmaxI else abs(Hstat);
    end when;
    when init2 then 
        hmaxI = abs(Hstat) + abs(x);
        if hmax < eps then 
            aSavI = mat.Hsat;
            bSavI = -mat.Hsat;
        elseif asc and x < 0 then 
            aSavI = mat.Hsat;
            bSavI = -hmax;
        elseif asc and 0 < x then 
            aSavI = hmax;
            bSavI = alpha;
        elseif not asc and x < 0 then 
            aSavI = alpha;
            bSavI = -hmax;
            aSavI = hmax;
            bSavI = -mat.Hsat;
        end if;
        bI = if asc then bSav[1] else aSav[1];
    end when;
    when {init3, evAsc, del} then 
        if init3 then 
            bSav = cat(1, {bSavI}, fill(-mat.Hsat, Count - 1));
        elseif evAsc then 
            bSav = if pre(bSav[1]) < alpha - eps then cat(1, {alpha}, pre(bSav[1:size(bSav, 1) - 1])) else pre(bSav);
        elseif del then 
            bSav = cat(1, pre(bSav[2:size(bSav, 1)]), {-mat.Hsat});
            bSav = pre(bSav);
        end if;
    end when;
    when {init3, evDesc, del} then 
        if init3 then 
            aSav = cat(1, {aSavI}, fill(mat.Hsat, Count - 1));
        elseif evDesc then 
            aSav = if alpha + eps < pre(aSav[1]) then cat(1, {alpha}, pre(aSav[1:size(aSav, 1) - 1])) else pre(aSav);
        elseif del then 
            aSav = cat(1, pre(aSav[2:size(aSav, 1)]), {mat.Hsat});
            aSav = pre(aSav);
        end if;
    end when;
    when {init3, change(asc), evInit, del} then 
        reinit(beta, if init3 then bI else if change(asc) then alpha else if evInit then -alpha else if asc then bSav[1] else aSav[1]);
    end when;
    B = J + mu0 * Hstat;
    E = unitT * ((mat.M * mat.r * (2 / pi * atan(mat.q * H1) + 1) + 2 * mat.M * (1 - mat.r) / (1 + 0.5 * (exp(-mat.p1 * H1) + exp(-mat.p2 * H1)))) * (mat.M * mat.r * (2 / pi * atan(mat.q * H2) + 1) + 2 * mat.M * (1 - mat.r) / (1 + 0.5 * (exp(-mat.p1 * H2) + exp(-mat.p2 * H2)))) - (mat.M * mat.r * (2 / pi * atan(mat.q * H3) + 1) + 2 * mat.M * (1 - mat.r) / (1 + 0.5 * (exp(-mat.p1 * H3) + exp(-mat.p2 * H3)))) * (mat.M * mat.r * (2 / pi * atan(mat.q * H4) + 1) + 2 * mat.M * (1 - mat.r) / (1 + 0.5 * (exp(-mat.p1 * H4) + exp(-mat.p2 * H4)))));
    H1 = -beta - mat.Hc;
    H2 = alpha - mat.Hc;
    H3 = -alpha - mat.Hc;
    H4 = beta - mat.Hc;
    alpha = if Hstat <= -mat.Hsat then -mat.Hsat else if mat.Hsat <= Hstat then mat.Hsat else Hstat;
    asc = 0.5 < v;
    asc2 = 0 < der(Hstat);
    del = delAsc or delDesc or evInit;
    delAsc = pre(aSav[1]) < alpha;
    delDesc = alpha < pre(bSav[1]);
    evAsc = not pre(asc) and asc;
    evDesc = pre(asc) and not asc;
    evInit = init and not pre(init);
    init = pre(hmax) <= abs(alpha) and 2 * t1 <= time;
    init2 = 1.5 * t1 <= time;
    init3 = edge(init2);
    der(J) = (if init then 0.5 else 1) * der(E);
    der(v) = if asc2 and v < 1 then 0.5 / t1 else if not asc2 and 0 < v then -0.5 / t1 else 0;
    der(x) = 0;
    der(beta) = if init then -der(alpha) else 0;

    annotation (
        defaultComponentName = "core",
        Icon(graphics = {
                extent = {
                    {40, 0}, 
                    {40, -30}},
                lineColor = {255, 128, 0},
                textString = "PE")}),
        Documentation(info = "<html>\n<p>\nFlux tube element for modeling magnetic materials with ferromagnetic and dynamic hysteresis (eddy currents). The ferromagnetic hysteresis behavior is defined by the\n<a href=\"modelica://Modelica.Magnetic.FluxTubes.UsersGuide.Hysteresis.StaticHysteresis.Preisach\">Preisach hysteresis model</a>. The Shape of the limiting ferromagnetic hysteresis loop is specified by an analytical description of the Everett function. A library of predefined parameter sets can be found in <a href=\"modelica://Modelica.Magnetic.FluxTubes.Material.HysteresisEverettParameter\">FluxTubes.Material.HysteresisEverettParameter</a>.\n</p>\n\n<p>\nAn overview over all available hysteresis and permanent magnet elements of the package <a href=\"modelica://Modelica.Magnetic.FluxTubes.Shapes.HysteresisAndMagnets\">HysteresisAndMagnets</a> can be found in <a href=\"modelica://Modelica.Magnetic.FluxTubes.UsersGuide.Hysteresis\">UsersGuide.Hysteresis</a>.\n</p>\n\n</html>"));
end GenericHystPreisachEverett;