
record BaseData "Hysteresis table data"
    extends Modelica.Icons.Record;

    parameter Real tabris[:,:] = [-1e+7,-0.8; -1000,-0.8; -300,-0.8; -200,-0.8; -190,-0.8; -180,-0.8; -160,-0.7999; -150,-0.7998; -140,-0.7997; -130,-0.7996; -120,-0.7993; -110,-0.7989; -100,-0.7982; -90,-0.7971; -80,-0.7953; -70,-0.7924; -60,-0.7878; -50,-0.7802; -40,-0.768; -30,-0.7486; -20,-0.718; -10,-0.6708; 0,-0.6; 10,-0.4983; 20,-0.3611; 30,-0.1908; 40,0; 50,0.1908; 60,0.3611; 70,0.4983; 80,0.6; 90,0.6708; 100,0.718; 110,0.7486; 120,0.768; 130,0.7802; 140,0.7878; 150,0.7924; 160,0.7953; 170,0.7971; 180,0.7982; 190,0.7989; 200,0.7993; 300,0.8; 1000,0.8; 1e+7,0.8] "Table data of the rising (lower) branch of the hysteresis envelope curve (H, B)";
    parameter Real tabfal[:,:] = [-1e+7,-0.8; -1000,-0.8; -300,-0.8; -200,-0.7993; -190,-0.7989; -180,-0.7982; -170,-0.7971; -160,-0.7953; -150,-0.7924; -140,-0.7878; -130,-0.7802; -120,-0.768; -110,-0.7486; -100,-0.718; -90,-0.6708; -80,-0.6; -70,-0.4983; -60,-0.3611; -50,-0.1908; -40,0; -30,0.1908; -20,0.3611; -10,0.4983; 0,0.6; 10,0.6708; 20,0.718; 30,0.7486; 40,0.768; 50,0.7802; 60,0.7878; 70,0.7924; 80,0.7953; 90,0.7971; 100,0.7982; 110,0.7989; 120,0.7993; 130,0.7996; 140,0.7997; 150,0.7998; 160,0.7999; 180,0.8; 190,0.8; 200,0.8; 300,0.8; 1000,0.8; 1e+7,0.8] "Table data of the falling (upper) branch of the hysteresis envelope curve (H, B)";
    parameter SI.Conductivity sigma = 1;

    annotation (Documentation(info = "<html>\n<table cellspacing=\"0\" cellpadding=\"2\" border=\"0\">\n  <tr>\n    <td>\n      <img src=\"modelica://Modelica/Resources/Images/Magnetic/FluxTubes/Material/HysteresisTableData/hysttd_BaseData.png\">\n   </td>\n  </tr>\n</table>\n</html>"));
end BaseData;